
Issue #16 Apr. 19, 2007

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Political crisis shifts into higher gear

Political crisis shifts into higher gear: protests move to Constitutional Court premises. Meanwhile, president, rival premier seek EU support. Find out which impact, if any, political turmoil has on economy. Big news: Poland and Ukraine won the right to host soccer championship. We also prepared a big article about Ukraine’s oldest archive: it’s problems, plans and dreams about digital future. An interview with the director of investment banking for Dragon Capital, and an article about investment banks: our business sections this time is focused on investments in Ukraine. Editorials: Bully tactics; Shady deals on rise. Rostyslav Gerasymov: What Ukrainians fail to appreciate. Taras Kuzio: Reflections on NATO – Will Ukraine and Georgia ever join this alliance? Lifestyle: Skrypka invites you to the Hayivky ethnic party; Get yourself in shape for summer at Kyiv’s fitness clubs; Enjoy souvenir shopping in the heart of Kyiv. Check out low-priced Irish fare at the new pub To Dublin. A Word with ... Ashim Kumar, a Punjabee Hindu with a passion for Ukraine. Tip of the Week explains how and where to donate blood in Ukraine.

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