Issue #36 Sep. 10, 2021
Preview IssueRussian Repression
Russia retaliates when Ukraine displeases -- when the people overthrew Kremlin-backed President Viktor Yanukovych, Russia started a war in 2014 and illegally seized the Crimean peninsula after a military invasion. Now, after Ukraine held an international conference devoted to securing Crimea's rightful place as part of Ukraine, Russian-occupying authorities have decided to smash all dissent by harassing and imprisoning Crimean Tatars and others. We have full coverage. Star columnist Сергій Лещенко on how President Volodymyr Zelensky's future hinges on his deoligarchization drive. Centreenergo's mismanagement threatens Ukraine's energy security. Reform Watch: Judicial overhaul is stalled or obstructed. The Big Interview with Vadym Melnyk, the new head of the Bureau of Economic Security. Giving a decent burial to slain World War II soldiers. Olympic gold medalist Zhen Beleniuk's quest to develop Ukrainian athletes. Bringing art to the disconnected war-torn Donbas.