
Issue #9 Mar. 05, 2021

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Ukraine's same five oligarch groups control Ukraine's TV stations, and have for more than a decade, to the detriment of the nation. They are: Rinat Akhmetov, Ihor Kolomoisky, Victor Pinchuk, Petro Poroshenko and Dmytro Firtash/Serhiy Lyovchkin. Their influence has been diluted somewhat by trends showing that more Ukrainians are getting their news from online sources than traditional TV stations. Yet President Volodymyr Zelensky will be the one who ends Ukraine's oligarchy, his spokeswoman Iuliia Mendel writes in an op-ed. Editorials: Soft sanctions & oligarch TV. Op-ed: Vladislav Davidson on how the divide over Moscow splits Kyiv and Minsk. Biden's early sanctions seen as too soft on Russia, Saudi Arabia. Ukraine is in the grip of another deadly wave of coronavirus infections. Ukraine's defense spending still lacks transparency. Lifestyle: Crimean Tatar fashion & Ukrainian photography. Ahead: Kyiv Post Legal Talks -- March 17; Agribusiness -- March 19; Real Estate magazine -- coming soon.  

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