Issue #40 Oct. 08, 2021
Preview IssueSpirited Away
"Spirited Away" -- That's what happens to big money made in Ukraine. It usually ends up in an offshore bank account behind layers of shell corporations to disguise true ownership. But the international journalistic investigation Pandora Papers, based on nearly 12 million leaked financial documents, shed light on many transactions. It's no surprise that Ukraine came out on top with 38 politicians named in the investigation of offshore havens. President Volodymyr Zelensky is among them. While setting up financial corporations abroad is a normal business practice in Ukraine, it does raise more questions about rule of law at home as well as whether taxes were paid on the money spirited away and what money is going into these structures today. We have complete coverage. Also: * Odesa Mayor Hennady Trukhanov faces criminal charges alleging he basically has been looting the Black Sea port city. * World in Ukraine: Germany. * Kyiv Post webinar: Up to $12 billion annually needed for infrastructure improvements in Ukraine. * Italy's Wyscout revolutionizes football scouting -- all from Ternopil. * Zelensky's party ousts Dmytro Razumkov as speaker.