You're reading: The first round of the Oleg Krysa Violin Competition ends

The first round of the International Oleg Krysa Violin Competition, conducting in Lviv, has been finished on October 27.

Among 18 participants only ten violin virtuoso from Ukraine, Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia and South Korea got through the second round.

Competition for second round will take place Lviv Philharmonic from October 29 till 30 as well as final competition, which will be held on November 1-2.

The contest will be finished with awarding ceremony and gala concert on November 3.

Commenting on the results of the first round, the vice chairman of the jury, Professor of Chopin Music University in Warsaw and Music Academy in Osaka Krzysztof Jakowicz said that all contestants have a very high level of training and the competition organized at world standards level.


For more information about International Violin Competition and the Composers’ Svitoch Competition, please visit