As the Kyiv Post Employment Fair nears on Sept. 22, it’s a good time to take a look at how to write a winning CV and how to prepare for the job interview.
Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting your career, there is no such thing as “too prepared” when it comes to writing a resume or passing a job interview. After all, no job lasts forever and recruitment standards change all the time.
Even though each workplace has its own requirements and expectations, there are certain universal rules to follow to increase your chances of landing a desired job.
Hudson, a global management consulting firm offering recruitment services in Ukraine,recently carried out a study on what employers look for in resumes or job interviews. Of the 129 survey participants, most were recruiters at Kyiv-based companies, whose responsibilities include hiring middle and upper-level managers.
Here’s what they found:
1. Brevity is crucial. A two-page CV was preferred by 72 percent of respondents, while 20 percent prefer a single-page resume.
2. When listing work experience or education, it’s best to clearly state professional achievements, not just responsibilities and job titles.
3. Writing a cover letter expressing interest in the position and the company significantly increases the chances of being noticed by human resource managers.
4. A follow-up letter or phone call, in which applicants cemented their interest in the company, is viewed positively by 70 percent of respondents.
5. An email subject line should never be empty, but rather contain the vacancy applied for. Naming the word file with your resume after your last name is a
sign of professionalism and makes an HR manager’s job easier.
6. Resume preparation doesn’t end with sending an email. It is necessary to learn your CV by heart in order to be able to retell it and elaborate on its contents.
7. “For an applicant, the interview starts when he enters the employer’s office, not when he’s sitting at the table,” reads the Hudson report. The first impression,
largely dependent on neat clothes and appearance, was very important for 70 percent of respondents.
8. The crucial part of the interview is to “convincingly explain your wish to receive a job from this particular employer,” notes the Hudson report. Determining an
applicant’s motivation to work is vital, recruiting experts say.
9. When talking to an interviewer it’s preferable to have open postures and a positive attitude. Irony is a taboo.
10. Giving clear and detailed answers at interviews is your best bet. Avoid blurred and “yes or no” answers.
11. After the interview, always ask potential employers questions about the position applied for and the company.
12. Professional skills are usually tested at a second interview. Thinking through examples of solving problems and achieving results at your previous workplace is helpful.
13. The right time to ask about your salary depends on the company and the position applied for. More than 60 percent of respondents said they were ready to
discuss it after the interview, while a quarter preferred to save it for when an offer was made.
Kyiv Post staff writer Maryna Irkliyenko can be reached at
Kyiv Post Employment Fair
Date: Sept. 22
Time: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (33 Velyka
Zhytomyrska St.)
Participating companies: around 20 companies, including Google, KPMG, Winner, MTS, ProCredit
Bank, Lerya Merlin, Danone, AstapovLawyers and others.
Entry: Hr 20 for non-students; Hr 10 for students.
Workshops by:
Mykhailo Avdiushkiy from HeadHunters on “Optimal job search.”
Volodymyr Kashkanov from Dragon Capital on “Why work for someone
else? Trade stocks online on the Ukrainian Exchange.”
Irina Schroeder and Julia Torbina
from Immigration to Canada will introduce one of the Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Programs.