You're reading: Ukrinform: Ukrainian GDP grows by 5%

In Ukrainian the gross domestic product grew by 5% in the 1st quarter of the year, according to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) estimates, Ukrinform reports.

Executive Director Ihor Shumylo confirmed that the central bank’s forecast concerning the GDP rise of 3-4% in 2010 on the whole.

In his words, economic growth resumed in Ukraine in the middle of 2009. Under the NBU estimates, starting on 2Q09 the economy grows 1.5% quarterly.

The government predicts GDP rise of 3.7% in 2010, with a nominal GDP of Hr 1.083 trillion (1 USD – 7.93 Hr). The consumer price index (December on December) is expected at 113.1%, and the index of industrial producers’ prices 114.4%.