You're reading: Ukraine designates 45 coal mines for sale in privatization push

Ukraine has designated 45 coal mines for privatization under a law adopted last year meant to modernize the country's chronically unprofitable coal sector.

The list, published in a decree issued Friday by the Ukraine State
Property Fund, includes mines held by the state-owned enterprises
Makeevugol, Ordzhonikidzeugol, Luganskugol, Pervomayskugol,
Donbassantratsit, Lvivvugillia and Volynugol, the business daily
Kommersant-Ukraine reported.

The move comes after the Ukrainian government in April 2012 passed a
law to allow the privatization of the coal sector, opening up profitable
state-owned facilities up to private investors through licenses and
leases or outright sales in an effort to save millions of dollars and
boost production.

Read more here.