You're reading: Wall Street bank to open in Kyiv

Morgan Stanley revealed it will launch a Kyiv office this year, making it the first Wall Street investment bank to open in Ukraine.

Ihor Mitiukov, Ukraine’s former United Kingdom ambassador and former finance minister, will lead the Kyiv office, the bank said in a March 17 statement.

“As we continue to develop our business in Eastern Europe, Ukraine, with its growing potential, is a strategically important market for Morgan Stanley,” said Walid Chammah, chairman of Morgan Stanley International.

The investment bank is the latest multinational to announce its entrance into the Ukrainian market this year, following global law firm Clifford Chance. Real estate giant CB Richard Ellis began its Kyiv business in late January.

The timing is right because Ukraine “is starting to open up to global capital markets,” Mitiukov said.

Ukrainian clients need investment banking and capital markets solutions “and Morgan Stanley, with its franchise, network and capabilities, is uniquely placed to deliver such solutions,” he said.

Tomas Fiala, founder of Kyiv investment bank Dragon Capital, said Morgan Stanley will aim to strike up to $300 million in financing deals.

Its arrival in the market will increase competition several fold, he added.