You're reading: Westa powers up new battery production line

Ukrainian battery producer hopes expanded capacity will help land new sales in Europe, Russia.

Dnipropetrovsk-based Westa, Ukraine’s sole producer of batteries for automobiles, tractors and other machinery, launched a new production line (above) on Nov. 7, its sixth thus far. The group, established in the early 1990s, claims to have invested some $110 million into the new battery production line. It has a capacity of producing four million batteries per year, boosting the group’s annual capacity to seven million batteries. The new production line is more efficient thanks to the use of state-of-the-art energy efficiency technologies. Westa hopes the new production line will boost the group’s annual revenue to some Hr 5 billion by increasing domestic sales and exports to markets in Europe, the Middle East and Americas. The company said it is in talks to boost battery supplies to leading European auto manufacturers, including Fiat, and Volkswagen’s production lines in Russia and Czech Republic.