Editor's Note: Anti-government EuroMaidan demonstrations began in Ukraine on Nov. 21, triggered by President Viktor Yanukovych's decision to abandon closer ties with the European Union in favor of Russia, which in December offered him a $15 billion bailout and 33 percent discount on imported natural gas. The demonstrations turned deadly on Jan. 22, when at least three protesters were killed by gunshot during a police assault on the crowd. More than 300 suffered injuries. The tense standoff remains on Hrushevskoho Street near Dynamo Stadium and the protests have spread throughout the nation.
Live coverage from Hromadske TV
EuroMaidan rallies in Ukraine — Jan. 26-27
EuroMaidan rallies in Ukraine — Jan. 24-25
Russia restarts trade sanctions
4:30 p.m., Jan.29 – Despite President Vladimir Putin’s pledge on Jan. 28 that Russia will honor its agreements with Ukraine, Russia has restarted tight border controls and other restrictions at the border for Ukrainian goods.
“We can confirm this information,” said Gennadiy Chizhikov, head of Ukraine’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “We will now follow up on the situation and plan to depart ot Moscow urgently because were really bothered by this situation.” –Katya Gorchinskaya
Another police officer murdered in Kyiv
4:26 p.m., Jan.29 — A policeman has been shot dead in Kyiv, the city police authority said on Wednesday. The officer died in a hospital of a chest wound, the authority said in a statement. The 42-year-old policeman was picked up by an ambulance after the police received a report through the 102 emergency phone line at around 1400 on Tuesday that a man had been shot and wounded in a park in Ukraine’s capital. The officer died during attempts by doctors to save him several hours after being brought to the hospital. The police department of the city’s Dniprovsky district was investigating the incident and suspected murder, the statement said. — Ivan Verstyuk
Klyuyev, Brock meet to find way out of crisis
4:05 p.m., Jan.29 — Andriy Klyuyev, the head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, met with European parliament delegation along with Elmar Brok, who heads the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs on Jan 29. They discussed Ukraine’s way out of political crisis.
“The main thing now is to reassure society to stop the confrontation. The authorities and the opposition understand they need to stop bloodshed,” Kliuev said. He said Ukraine should continue the negotiations for signing association agreement with the European Union, when situation in Ukraine will be stable.
Members of the European Parliament confirmed the EU keeps an eye on Ukraine’s events. Elmar Brok welcomed the recent decision of the Verkhovna Rada to abolish some laws on January 16, 2014. They also expressed willingness to contribute to the peaceful end of the standoff in Ukraine. — Olena Goncharova
EuroMaidan self-defense units take oath
3:17 p.m., Jan.29 — EuroMaidan self-defense units turned into the national guards today, Jan 29. They took an oath in Ukrainian House on Jan, 29. The activists promised to defend Ukrainians and the nation, “we swear to give our lives for Ukrainian people and Ukraine,” reads their statement. — Olena Goncharova

Spilna Sprava relocates from Agriculture Ministry to Ukrainian House
2:03 p.m., Jan. 29 — A shell casing was found inside the Agricultural Ministry. One person was injured by rubber bullets around 10 a.m. during a misunderstanding between Spilna Sprava and the first ones who came to kick them out. According to Svoboda Party member of parliament Oleksandr Leonov, the EuroMaidan Council decided to relocate Spilna Sprava to Ukrainian House. He attributed any scuffles that initially broke out to provocateurs — “titushki,” government-hired security or police who dress like masked protesters. Leonov said getting Spilna Sprava out of the ministry is needed to get an amnesty law approved. The floor of the foyer has a layer of water, presumably from a water hose that Spilna Sprava used during the initial raid on the building. Spilna Sprava leader Oleksandr Danylyuk isn’t answering his phone. — Mark Rachkevych

Spilna Sprava vacates Agriculture Ministry
1:34 p.m., Jan. 29 — The takeovers of government buildings by the militant EuroMaidan group, Spilna Sprava, appear to be coming to an end. Not only did such takeovers prompt government threats of a state of emergency, the tactic of holding working government ministries and preventing their functioning also met with opposition within the EuroMaidan movement. Today, Kyiv Post editor Mark Rachkevych reports that EuroMaidan activists persuiaded Oleksandr Danylyuk’s Spilna Sprava members to leave the Agricultural Ministry on Khreshchatyk Street. The protesters took over the building on Jan. 24. They also briefly held a building of the Justice Ministry and Energy Ministry before returning them to government hands. However, about a half-dozen state-owned buildings remain in the hands of EuroMaidan supporters. — Mark Rachkevych

Olena Goncharova finds a legal ‘guardian angel’
1:31, Jan. 29 — Another Kyiv Post exclusive story by Olena Goncharova today on Ksenia Prokonova, who answered a student’s call for pro bono legal help after being arrested for participating in EuroMaidan rallies. She hopes to help more in need of legal help. — Brian Bonner.
Katya Gorchinskaya gets the ruling party’s view of EuroMaidan
1:27 p.m., Jan. 29 — Check out Katya Gorchinskaya’s interviews with members of the pro-presidential ruling Party of Regions. Their views are important for understanding why so many people are opposed to the anti-government EuroMaidan demonstrations under way. In this polarizing conflict, the middle ground is shrinking. Facts are hard to find amid all the falsehoods and disinformation. But the truth must be found and rules of fairness should apply. — Brian Bonner
Yatseniuk explains limitations of amnesty law
1:19 p.m., Jan. 29 –– Misonceptions abound that parliament is considering legal amnesty for people who have committed serious crimes. That’s not the case, says opposition leader Arseniy Yatseniuk, the leader the Batkivhshchyna Party led by imprisoned ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. He said that murder, attacks on journalists, abductions and torture are all categories of crimes that will not be exempt from punishment. Murderers will continue to be punished. So will officers who attack journalists. So will anybody who kidnaps, assaults or tortures. Yatseniuk said that the opposition considers as unacceptable the ruling party’s demand that street demonstrations end before agreeing to grant amnesty to EuroMaidan participants detained for non-serious crimes. Parliament will reconvene at 2 p.m. today to discuss the amnesty provisions to be adopted into law.
Under the amnesty also be covered cases involving attacks on journalists: “No officer, any police officer will not be covered by amnesty if he committed the attack on journalists.” — Brian Bonner

Interior Ministry doesn’t have a plan to up number of special police task force
12:31 p.m., Jan 29 — Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Viktor Ratushniak has denied media reports alleging that the government intends to increase the composition of the Berkut and Hryfon special police task forces six-fold to 30,000 members, Interfax reports.
Two members of anti-corruption group flee Ukraine
12:19 p.m., Jan. 29 — Two key members of an anti-corruption group that has investigated assets closely tied to the nation’s ruling elite on Jan. 23 have fled the country, its director told the Kyiv Post. — Mark Rachkevych
Kravchuk, Ukraine’s first president addresses, parliament
11:45 p.m., Jan. 29 — Addressing the 402 lawmakers present at today’s parliamentary session, Ukraine’s first president, Leonid Kravchuk, said he was delivering the most important speech he’s ever given.
“The country is on the brink of civil war… the protests have turned into a revolt,” he said, adding that the country needs to trust each other in order to find a peaceful solution to the current political turmoil. “If the majority forces the minority to its knees, it won’t work out.”
“Also it’s not OK for the opposition to deliver ultimatum to the government. Ukraine’s future is much more important than someone’s ambitions,” Kravchuk added.

Karvchuk also called for revising the country’s constitution, saying that it’s current form has allowed the president to exceed his power.
“I propose to create a commission and start the process of reforming the state,” he said. — Oksana Grytsenko, Christopher J. Miller
President’s parliament representative hopes to have clear idea as to who will fill cabinet by week’s end
11:22 p.m., Jan. 29 — Anatoliy Miroshnichenko, the representative of President Viktor Yanukovych in parliament, told journalists on Wednesday in the Verkhovna Rada that he hoped by the end of this week it would be clear which way the new cabinet will be formed. “Whether it will be a technical government that will take a role of transition government, or it will be a political government,” he said. He also added that the president’s team didn’t know for sure if the opposition was ready to participate in new Cabinet. “We are carring on consultations,” he said. — Oksana Grytsenko

EuroMaidan support event to take place in Munich
9:26 a.m., Jan. 29 — An event is taking place on Jan. 31 – Feb. 2 in Munich, Germany, to support EuroMaidan during the 50th Security Conference. Politicians from more than 20 countries will discuss Ukraine’s crisis, among other groups. More than 600 Ukrainians from Germany and other European countries will participate. Prominent politicians and public figures such as opposition leader Vitali Klitschko, member of parliament Petro Poroshenko and singer Ruslana Lyzhychko are inveited. Andrii Khomulenko, the organizing committee of EuroMaidan Munich, [email protected], +4917630339461 — Brian Bonner
Ukraine’s protest map getting more interesting
7:55 a.m., Jan. 29 — According to EuroMaidanPR’s information, Ukraine’s national protests are not getting stronger, particularly in southern and eastern areas. The public relations service has also added icons for more complex descriptions — such as identifying areas where police are working in concert with government-hired thugs known as “titushkis.” There are also places in western Ukraine where the pro-presidential Party of Regions and Communist Party are banned. — Brian Bonner

Canada joins US in banning top Ukrainian officials
7:45 a.m, Jan. 29 — Canada announced on Jan. 28 that it had followed its neighbor, the United States, in banning entry into the country of “key” Ukrainian officials without specifying how many and which officials. On Jan.28, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander and Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird issued the following statement:
“Recent actions by members of Ukraine’s ruling elite in the face of popular and growing protests have been utterly deplorable, and compel us to take targeted and meaningful action. “Given the violent repression of legitimate protest and the intimidation of opposition voices, we will be restricting entry to Canada – effective immediately – for key government figures as a direct result of their actions in recent days. “Although Canada welcomes the recent developments in Ukraine, more needs to be done. The Ukrainian government must address the fundamental demands of the people, including accountability and a full embrace of democratic principles. “We believe it will take more than words to establish trust with the people, and Canada will continue to stand with the Ukrainian people, who courageously continue to speak out in support of democracy. “Canada will continue to monitor developments in Ukraine, and, with our international partners, consider further options if necessary.” — Anastasia Forina
Key parliament session starts at 11 a.m.
7:42 a.m., Jan. 29 — The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, meets today to discuss terms of an amnesty bill. The ruling pro-presidential Party of Regions insists no protesters will be free until all opposition-occupied government buildings are vacated. The political opposition says the hundreds of detainees in EuroMaidan demonstrations must be set free immediately. Yesterday’s session included repeal of the draconian anti-speech and anti-protest laws as well as the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and his government. — Brian Bonner
More police defect rather than join crackdown
7:39 a.m., Jan. 29 — Citing gazeta.ua, EuroMaidanPR says that six representatives of an Alfa elite police unit in Ivano-Frankivsk quit after receiving an ultimatum — support the current government or resign. One of the officers said: ‘We swore to the people of Ukraine, thus, our whole subdivision decided to resign.” This information was confirmed by the deputy of the local state administration in Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykola Paliychuk, according to EuroMaidan PR.– Brian Bonner
Obama’s mention of Ukraine thrills nation
7:02 a.m., Jan. 29 — It was just one sentence, near the end of his annual State of the Union Address, but U.S. President Barack Obama thrilled many people in the nation with his explicit acknowledgement of Ukraine’s pro-democracy EuroMaidan protests. The sentence: “In Ukraine we stand for the principle that all people have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully, and to have a say in their country’s future.” — Brian Bonner
Appeal of Yulia Tymoshenko to the people of Ukraine
6:43 a.m, Jan. 29 — The following is a more complete English-language transcript of imprisoned ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s July 28 appeal to the people of Ukraine:
“The fact that today Mykola Azarov resigned and some of the dictatorial laws were repealed does not mean the repentance of the government or the victory of the opposition. This is the first tangible result of the struggle of all people who have come to all Maidans of Ukraine and have begun to take the power into their own hands.
The victory that Maidan achieved today is the first successful step. But this is not enough…
Do not stop! Go on! Rely only on yourself and your unity! Gain your victory once and for all!
If you stop now, without achieving the complete victory, all the sacrifice that Ukrainians endured in their selfless struggle will be betrayed.
You were freezing days and nights on the Maidans, risking your health and lives, losing your best sons not for Yanukovych to replace the Government of Azarov with another corrupt government, and not for bloodied hands to promise you a happy life again.
You have stood up to fight for a different Ukraine, not the one run by the mafia, criminals and oligarchs.
You have stood up to restart the whole government and return Ukraine into your own hands. So do it!
And do not stop until you achieve this aim!
If you do not free Ukraine from dictatorship now, it will be impossible to do this later.
Glory to Ukraine!
With love,
Yulia Tymoshenko
Kachanivska prison, Kharkiv
28 January 2014
Source: batkivshchyna.com.ua”
Where is AutoMaidan leader Dmytro Bulatov?
6:16 a.m, Jan. 29 — From the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group: “Despite obvious grounds for concern over the disappearance a week ago of prominent AutoMaidan leader Dmytro Bulatov, the police appear to be doing nothing. AutoMaidan lawyer Dmytro Yovdiy told Ukrainska Pravda that he has approached the Security Service [SBU] and asked them to help look for Bulatov since a week has passed, yet the police have not taken any action. He adds that despite the fact that Bulatov’s phone was turned on for quite some time after he disappeared, and probably went off simply because the battery ran down, the police have not even obtained a list of telephone calls from the mobile operator. Nor have they used technical measures aimed at establishing his whereabouts based on phone calls from his number. They have also not ascertained whether he left Ukraine which is crucial information for establishing the reasons for his disappearance. As reported here, Bulatov was last seen in the evening of Jan 22. His disappearance coincided with a deliberate ambush of AutoMaidan activists who were tricked by a fake call for help. Although Bulatov had been in hiding, he kept in contact by telephone. The reasons for concern are clear, given the fate of one other person – Yury Verbytsky – who was abducted from hospital and found dead in a Boryspil forest. There has certainly been difficulty in finding where individual AutoMaidan or EuroMaidan activists have been taken after most were subjected to beatings. The courts have been supporting far-fetched accusations and remanding activists in detention. By now, if Bulatov has been detained, then the police are surely concealing his whereabouts deliberately. — Brian Bonner

Demonstrators report Yanukovych crackdown still under way
5:56 a.m, Jan. 29 — According to EuroMaidanPR, the public relations service of the anti-government protest move, despite Jan. 28’s resignation of Mykola Azarov and parliament’s canceling of anti-democratic laws, “on the ground repressions continue unabated. AutoMaidan is once again in the sights. One their organizers, Sergiy Hadzhynov, has been sentenced to two months in jail by a court in Cherkassy (city in central Ukraine). Hadzhynov stated: ‘I was hit twice on the head by a Berkut (riot police) officer and thrown in the police van. I had actually approached him myself to find out what was happening. I was not involved in the siege [of the regional administration]. I was across the street. We were holding a peaceful protest by creating an AutoMaidan chain.’ Hadzhynov was captured by police on Jan. 28 in Cherkassy, where he and other Automaidan members arrived that day to support the EuroMaidan movement. Seven AutoMaidan cars have reportedly also been smashed.” — Brian Bonner
Yatensiuk warns Yanukovych still considering military state of emergency
5:36 a.m., Jan. 29 — According to EuroMaidanPR, citing Ukrainska Pravda: Leader of the opposition Batkivshchina Party, Arseniy Yatseniuk, stated on Channel 5 TV on Jan. 28 that a state of emergency and a violent turn of events is still on the agenda.”A violent scenario is not off the agenda. It exists. Today we received information that the military received a special address from the president regarding the necessity of returning to the constitutional rule of law, in other words asking for the army to support the current president” Yatseniuk said. He went on to say: “I believe that if Yanukovitch signs the order to enact a state of emergency it would be signing for hundreds of victims, for bloodshed, for destruction of the country.” — Brian Bonner

Another of the amazing videos that have been created during EuroMaidan
9:32 p.m., Jan. 28 — This video, a montage of different scenes from the demonstrations, including poignant footage of slain protester Serhiy Nihoyan, has gotten nearly 50,000 views as of now. It was uploaded to YouTube on Jan. 25 by Nataliia Bartosik. – Brian Bonner
A 3:13 video splices together the good, bad and ugly of Ukraine’s EuroMaidan revolution
TVi channel releases video of Jan. 22 clashes taken on the police side
7:15 p.m., Jan. 28 — Channel TVi released a video of the deadly Jan. 22 clashes between the police and the demonstrators on Hrushevsky Street, shot on the side of Berkut riot troops. Three protesters were shot to death: Serhiy Nihoyan, Michael Zhyznevskyy and Roman Senyk.
The six-minute footage taken at different stages of confrontation shows the work of the police against the demonstrators: they advance at the protesters, throw smoke grenades and shoot from various weapons. It shows how the troops were coordinated, and how they swear at protesters and call them “Banderas,” a reference to Stepan Bandera, leader of Ukrainian Insurgent Army in western Ukraine that during World War II fought for Ukraine’s independence.
The video seems to have been taken by one of the officers, but no description is available. —Katya Gorchinskaya
More than six minutes of footage from the deadly Jan. 22 police assault on demonstrators
A Griffon officer leaves service because he is ashamed, does not want to shoot his father
6:25 p.m., Jan. 28 — A Griffon officer by the name of Mykola Kovbasa quit service in elite police troops because he does not want to shoot at his father, a protester.
Kovbasa said that although Griffon elite unit was created for guarding courts, after violent clashes on Hrushevskoho Street on Jan. 19-22 the unit was moved to reserve and waited to back up the troops.
He said the last drop for him was the video where his colleagues from Berkut, the riot police unit, torture a naked man. “I don’t want to have anything to do with the law enforcement organs,” he told Zik TV channel in Lviv. “To be honest, I feel ashamed that I used to work in interior organs.” He served in Griffon for four years.
He said although Griffon troops were not involved in clashes with civilians, they could have been given the order any minute. He said he could not have executed the order because his father has been on Maidan for three weeks.”Even if the order was not to use live ammunition, but to throw smoke grenades at the protesters. Knowing that my father was there, I could not do it,” he said. — Katya Gorchinskaya
Officers says he quit to avoid having to fire on his protester father
Lawmakers can’t agree on amnesty terms; protesters wills stay on streets6:06
6:06 p.m., Jan. 28 — The lawmakers haven’t come to an agreement on the terms of an amnesty law for EuroMaidan demonstrators, so will try again on Jan. 29 at 11 a.m. The opposition wants all jailed protesters released immediately. The ruling pro-presidential Party of Regions said the demonstrators should be let go only after protesters leave the occupied public buildings.
Vitali Klitschko, leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform, called the issue of amnesty for the protesters the most urgent. “The terror has started all over Ukraine when people are being captuted and brought to jail for no reason,” Klitschko said. “We have to release them.”
At the same time, Klitschko was less insistent on President Viktor Yanukovych’s resignation. “Let’s deside step by step the problems we have,” he said. “I think Yanukovych’s resignation would be logical.”
Klitschko also said that he saw no possibility for either him or his party members to work in the Cabinet of Ministers with Yanukovych.
Oleg Tiahnybok, leader of the opposition Svoboda Party, also doubts a role for his party in governing with Yanukovych.
Mykhailo Chechetov, a lawmaker with the ruling Party of Regions, called Azarov’s decision to resign a very brave and responsible step. “The opposition received a proposition to head the government but they were afraid to accept it,” Chechetov added.
The protesters hailed Azarov’s decision leave, but said it was not enough. Warming up by the barricades, Petro, 40, a driver from Ternopil Oblast, said he was ready to stay on the streets until Yanukovych resigns as well. “Our demands include the resignation of Yanukovych, snap parliamentary elections and a new Constitution.” –– Oksana Grytsenko

Tymoshenko urges people to fight on
6 p.m., Jan. 28 — In a letter from the Kharkiv prison where she is being held, ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko says the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov’s government and the repeal of some “dictatorial” laws is not enough. “Do not stop! Go ahead!…Win completely and permanently!” she said. Only complete victory will justify the sacrifices, she said. –– Brian Bonner
Parliament to resume session at 11 a.m on Nov. 28
5:56 p.m., Jan. 28 — The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will continue its extraordinary session at 11 a.m. on Jan. 29, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Rybak said, as lawmakers are having trouble agreeing on conditions for granting amnesty to arrested and imprisoned EuroMaidan demonstrators. “The talks continue. They are not easy given the problematical amnesty issue. Mutual understanding has been reached between the opposition and the majority, but there are issues which require complete agreement,” Rybak said, according to Interfax-Ukraine. — Brian Bonner
Readout of Biden’s Jan. 27 call to Yanukovych
4:24 p.m., Jan. 28 – Vice President Joseph Biden called Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to express US support for on going negotiations between the government and the opposition to end the current standoff and bring about a peaceful, political solution to the crisis. He underscored that the US condemns the use of violence by any side, and warned that declaring a State of Emergency or enacting other harsh security measures would further inflame the situation and close the space for a peaceful resolution.
Underscoring that no time should be lost, Biden urged Yanukovych to pull back riot police and work with the opposition on immediate measures to de-escalate tensions between protesters and the government. He also urged the government to take concrete steps during tomorrow’s parliamentary session to respond to the full and legitimate concerns of the Ukrainian people, including by repealing the anti-democratic laws passed on Jan. 16.
Finally, Biden reaffirmed the unwavering support of the United States for a Ukraine that rejects violence and that respects the human rights and dignity of its citizens in accordance with their European aspirations and their desire to restore their country back to economic health. The link to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine websiteis here. — Brian Bonner
Yanukovych accepts Azarov’s resignation
4 p.m., Jan. 28 — President Viktor Yanukovych accepted Prime Minister Mykola Azarov’s resignation, says president’s official website. Azarov’s government will continue working till the new prime minister is appointed. — Olga Rudenko.
Poroshenko: Repeal of unconstitutional laws is ‘step away from abyss’
3:30 p.m., Jan. 28 — Independent lawmaker and businessman Petro Poroshenko commented on the parliament vote, saying that “the repeal of the unconstitutional laws of Jan. 16 means we took a step away from the abyss. The safety of every citizen should be restored. And all detained activists need to be released. We must return to the 2004 Constitution and the new government needs to restore the negotiations for signing association agreement with European Union. We must act,” Poroshenko wrote on his Facebook page. –– Olena Goncharova.
New Kyiv city head Makeenko hopes to get city hall back
2:50 p.m., Jan. 28 — Volodymyr Makeenko, the newly appointed head of the Kyiv city administration, said that he has started his job despite the fact that the city hall has been held by EuroMaidan protesters since Dec. 1. Makeenko was appointed by President Viktor Yanukovych on Jan. 25 to replace former administrator Oleksandr Popov, who is currently under investigation for a violent dispersal of a peaceful protest on Nov. 30. Makeenko says he has been working from the Pechersk district council building, and hopes to negotiate with protesters to regan city hall. He said he is hopeful because the opposition did not object to his appointment. Previously, Makeenko served as a parliament member of all convocations in independent Ukraine. —Katya Gorchinskaya
Party of Regions members say they receive threatening text messages
2:37 p.m., Jan. 28 — A member of the pro-presidential Party of Regions says the party’s deputy have been receiving many text messages with threats ever since the list of their numbers was posted on Facebook. Some of the messages are sent from free online services, others look like they come from foreign numbers. The message on the screen below says: You will burn in hell and be visited by those who heroically died from a criminal order of your criminal boss. Deputy Vitaliy Kalyuzhny of Party of Regions said that he is against cancellation of the Jan. 16 laws because they introduced a new norm that only allows the sale of SIM cards by passport. He also said that many countries have the same legal provision for pre-paid phone services. — Katya Gorchinskaya

Opposition will push for punishment of police responsible for violence
2:30 p.m., Jan. 28 — Iryna Herashchenko, a parliament member from Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform, says that the policemen who attacked peaceful citizens and their superiors who gave orders “to beat up, and make invalids out of Ukrainian citizens” will have to carry responsibility for their actions.
She said several deputies from UDAR are currently making complete lists of those who have been beaten, gone missing or got arrested in the past few days in the regions, where mass riots have taken place. —Katya Gorchinskaya
Journalists still being attacked by police, gangsters
2:22 p.m., Jan. 28 — The latest wrap-up to be found on EuroMaidanPR’s website here. — Brian Bonner
Bishop Borys Gudziak, president of Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, gives extensive interview with Radio Vatican
1:51 p.m., Jan. 28 — Here’s the sound file: http://media01.radiovaticana.va/audiomp3/00410910.MP3. A link to the story accompanying his interview is here. His biography on the Ukrainian Catholic University website is here. — Brian Bonner
Hrytsenko says prosecutors, police still enforcing ‘dictator laws’
1:48 p.m., Jan. 28 — Even though the anti-protest laws are formally canceled, they remain for “crazy” prosecutors and judges, says ex-Minister of Defense Anatoliy Hrytsenko in his blog. “They still can apply these laws against Maidan, Automaidan and all of us. Not until today’s desicion is signed by Verkhovna Rada Speaker Volodymyr Rybak, given to President Viktor Yanukovych, signed by the president and published in official newspapers will these laws have power. I have to warn you about it, and let’s be united in supporting each other.” — Iryna Yeroshko
Akhmetov’s members of parliament say they won’t breach the voting procedure in Rada
1:40 p.m., Jan. 28 — A split is taking shape in the pro-presidential Party of Regions faction, reports Цензор.НЕТ, citing party sources. At today’s session of the Party of Regions parliamentary faction, Yuri Voropayev said that on behalf of all MPs aligned with billionaire Rinat Akhmetov that the group will not vote for any bill if the proper procedures are not met. — Katya Gorchinskaya and Mark Rachkevych
Yatseniuk calls on Yanukovych sign bill repealing ‘dictator laws’
1:27 p.m., Jan. 28 — After members of parliament voted to repeal most of the anti-democratic laws curtailing free speech and free assembly, and amending the others, opposition leader Arseniy Yatseniuk of the Batkivshchyna Party called on President Viktor Yanukvoych to sign the legislation into law. — Olena Goncharova. The only lawmakers to vote against the laws’ repeal were Vadim Kolisnichenko and Oleh Tsiarov, both of the pro-presidential Party of Regions. — Olena Goncharova
Parliament vote to cancel 9 of 12 Jan. 16 laws
1:02 p.m., Jan. 28 — The Verkhovna Rada voted overwhelmingly today to cancel nine of the 12 draconian, anti-democratic laws on Jan. 16, including one that calls for imprisonment of up to 15 years for participating in peaceful demonstrations. A total of 361 deputies voted for the repeal of the so-called “dictator laws.” Parliament is set to meet again at 4 p.m. today to consider laws that order amnesty for all detained protesters during the EuroMaidan demonstrations. Coupled with Prime Minister Mykola Azarov’s resignation, if President Viktor Yanukovych accepts it, both sides in Ukraine’s political crisis appear to be moving closer to settlement. However, it remains to be seen whether the measures will be enough for the crowds of anti-EuroMaidan demonstrators who are still demanding Yanukovych’s resignation. –– Olena Goncharova
Latest map of opposition-controlled territory in Ukraine as of 8 a.m. on Jan. 28
1:16 p.m, Jan. 28 — Courtesy of EuroMaidan PR, the official public relations service of EuroMaidan demonstrations, this is how they see the map of Ukraine. –– Brian Bonner

Radio Svoboda compiles list of injured, missing, dead from EuroMaidan.
12:36 p.m., Jan. 28 — According to EuroMaidanPR, Radio Svoboda has compiled from various sources a list of protesters killed in the EuroMaidan demonstrations. It will be continually updated, but this is where the list stood at noon today:
Four dead
Yuri Verbitsky: The 50-year-old EuroMaidan activist from Lviv was kidnapped on Jan. 21 along with activist Igor Lutsenko from Oleksandrivska Hospital in Kyiv. Verbitsky’s body was found the next day in the forest near Kyiv. He died from torture in extreme cold. His hands were bound with adhesive tape. The Interior Ministry declared that Verbitsky died “from hypothermia and the injuries he received are not related with death. The investigation is ongoing.
Michael Zhyznevskyy: The 25-year-old citizen of Belarus was part of a self-defense team of Euro Maidan. He died on Jan. 22 during an event on Hrushevskoho Street from a gunshot wound to the heart.
Serhiy Nihoyan: The 20-year-old Armenian native provided security for EuroMaidan. He is from Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. He died on Jan. 22 from injuries caused by lead buckshot during events at Dynamo Stadium on Hruschevskoho Street near Dynamo Stadium. The Interior Ministry declared that the bullets that inflicted the mortal wounds were not part of police weaponry.
Roman Senyk: The 45-year-old from Lviv Oblast died in a hospital in Kyiv, according to Svoboda Party Deputy Irina Sekh. He was seriously wounded on Jan. 22 on Hrushevskoho Street. He was seriously wounded in the lung, underwent several operations, had to have an amputated arm.
Bulatov Dmytro, one of the AutoMaidan’s performers. His parents reported about his disappearance. The last contact with relatives was on 22 of January. Dmytro Bukatov is absent in the list of AvtoMaydan’s detainees
Grygorian Inna, seems to be from Lviv. The information about her disappearance became known on 30th of November. The activist of Mykhaylivska square had said this to “EvromaidanSOS”. The activists with the police’ help and the local authorities of Lviv conducted an investigation. They found that there are any person with that name and surname. The police of Kyiv had found two people with same names. These women were absent on the Maidan at that night. Neither relatives nor friends didn’t call the police. The Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine says that this woman counts as disappeared on the 30th of November night.
Hurmak Lybomyr, 32 years old, from Kolomyia. Went to Kyiv more than a week ago. Don’t contact with relatives.
Karbyshew Andriy, one of the Euromaidan volunteers, comes from Ivano-Frankivsk, for now, is living in Bila Tserkva. On the January 25th has leaved territory of Maidan, than called and said that is on his way back. Since then – any information about him. Volunteer Oksana Khmilevska wrote about this incident on her own Facebook account. All cell phones are switched off.
Lobintsev Danylo, volunteer of the Maidan field – church, was born in 1993 in Stakhanov. He’ s a bit stuttering. He has spent last two months on Maidan. He was helping in the work of field – church. On January 25th near 5 p.m. must go to the Hrushevskoho St., then go by tube to the Obolon district. For now, all connection with him is lost. About his disappearing reports Euromaidan SOS.
Volodymyr Pryydun, MP from Batkivshchyna . MP Lesia Orobets named him among those who were still missing as of mid- January after a forceful dispersal of Maidan protests on 30 November. In response to the parliamentary inquiry of Mr. Gennadiy Moskal to the Ministry of Interior on missing people after the dissolution of 13 December 13, 2013 Volodymyr Pryydun has not been mentioned in the wanted list.
Anatoliy Shynkaruk, born in 1959, hails from the city of Vinnytsya. Gone missing from June 1st 2013. His family recognized him in the Russian First TV channel from Maidan on 24 November 2013. The Ministry of Interior reported him as missing after a forceful dispersal of peaceful Euromaidan on the night of 29 to 30 November. The Prosecutor’s office of the Shevchenkyvskyi region in Kyiv opened a criminal investigation into his disappearance.
Rudolf Abramian: The taxi driver was arrested along with other AutoMaidan participants. The Obolon borough court ordered him held for two months in pretrial detention. His wife, Yulia Abramian, told Channel 5 news that he merely was delivering his clients from the Lisovy borough of Kyiv to the city center on the night of Jan. 23. His car was found wrecked.
Mykhailo Alekseew: The 34-year-old is an active participant of Euromaidan. The Darnitsky borough court ordered him held two months in pretrial detention. Alleged violations include rioting, resisting police officers with using bats, gas cans and weapons. These objects were never seized during the arrest. The prosecution witnesses included the Berkut riot control police officers.
Stepan Andriychyuk: The 65-year-old has a disability that limits his mobility. The Obolon borough court ordered him held two months in pretrial detention. Andriychyuk came to the Unity Day celebration and went to Hrushevskoho Street. A member of parliament from the opposition Batkivshchyna Party, Liliya Grynevych, reported that he was seized as he was observing the events.
Sergiy Volodko: The Obolon borough court charged the 20-year-old man ordered him held for two months in pretrial detention, according to information provided by Euromaidan SOS.
Marian Havryliv: The freelance photographer from Lviv was detained on Hrushevskoho Street while videotaping the unfolding events. The Obolon borough court charged him with a two-month detention as a preventive measure.
Gavryliv Omelian, an activist of AutoMaydan. The Obolon’ borough court charged him with a two-month detention as a preventive measure, according to espreso.tv.
Gorskyi Mykyta, an activist of AutoMaidan. Security measure defined by Darnytskiy court of Kyiv is two months of detention. He is accused of assaulting “Bercut” ( Internal Forces )
Davidyak Viktor, 20 years old student from Lviv. Security measure ˗ two months of detention.
Dzindzia Andriy, activist and journalist of “ Dorozhniy Control”. Security measure: two months of detention. He was detained on December 5, in obedience to events near Presidential Administration. He is accused of stealing grader and attempt to storm the presidential administration building.
Dydyk Nestor, AutoMaidan’s activist. Security measure defined by Obolon’ court of Kyiv is two months.
Dyshkant Yuhim, 25 y.o., a poet, is the author of the following books: “The Street was Dreaming by cherries”, “Guitar’s Blood”, and “Ramja”. ‘A measure of preventive action’—a court order to detain a suspect while a trial is on going—is defined by the judge of Darnyts’kyi Court of Kyiv, Natalia Kyrychenko, as two months under arrest. According “Ukrajinska Pravda,” an online-newspaper, the court refused to hear witnesses for the defense, and was hearing only prosecution witnesses, which consisted of three policemen from the ‘Berkut’ Internal Forces unit. Yuhim was walking with his friends to home from Maidan on 20th of January in the morning. Near the memorial to the Famine, they were approached by 10-15 so-called “titushki” who began to beat them. After a time, the attackers stated they were calling police. A minibus with “Berkut”( Internal Forces) forces arrived and took the beaten activists to the police department. In court, the accusers incriminate the activists with infringement of certain articles of the Criminal code with regard to organization and participation in public disturbance
Zhytniy Dmytro, 44 y.o. A measure of preventive action, defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv, is 2 months under arrest. Dmytro was beaten according to information from the “Euromaidan SOS” network.
Zelinskiy Sergiy, an activist of AutoMaidan 31 y.o. A measure of preventive action, defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv, is 2 months under arrest. Information from the “Euromaidan SOS” network.
Ivaniyuk Andriy, a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Measure defined by the Desnianskiy court of Kyiv is two month. Due to his friend’s words, during the detention, police heat him, as they required to admit a member of which political Party he is.
Zykhovskiy Sergiy, 18 y.o. From Lesky village, Cherkasy region. He was supposedly arrested with other protesters near Cherkasy Regional State Administration. His mother saw him on video, carrying injured girl to the ambulance, where after he was arrested.
Lenets Andriy, activist of AutoMaidan, 41 y.o. Security Measure defined by the Dniprovsky court of Kyiv is two month of detention. Witnesses, after he was beaten by Ukrainian internal forces, he can’t move properly
Lisovenko Andriy, Activist of Euromaidan, 43 year old. Security Measure defined by the Dniprovsky court of Kyiv is two month of detention. As his mother told, before he got into prison he had left to give a lift to injured protesters, who were returning from the hospital.
Loza Andriy, The journalist of online edition and the newspaper “Svoboda “. Detained on 19th January Hrushevskoho St. during the execution of editorial objectives. Security measure: two months of detention.
Karagiayr Volodymyr, the journalist of internet channel ” Spilnobachennya .” Security measure defined by the Dnieper Kyiv court: two months of detention. Incriminating organizing mass unrest.
Kobzar Igor, activist of AvdoMaidan. Measure defined by the Darnytskyi court of Kyiv is two month of detention.
Kovaliov Vadym, a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv: two month (till March 20) of house arrest at the hostel. The university emphasizes that he had nothing to do with the events that took place at night January 20. For the prosecution of a night in January 20, took an active role of the protest on Hryshevskogo St. According to his friends, during the arrest police abused the young Vadim, and were asking different variety of questions, such as, who send him there and who he worked for. According to the information at LB.ua, he was taken to the court with serious concussions. People had to call the ambulance three times because of his bad health conditions; however, it was not a serious enough reason for the court to stop the case.
Kovalchyuk Artur, a younger scientific worker at the Institute of economic developments and political consultation. Security measure is determined by a Golosivskuy Court of Kyiv, two month under arrest. He was already once arrested by “Berkut”(Internal Forces) together with a poet Uhum Dushkant, as well as the musician and architect Dmitriy Moskal, in the morning of January 20; however, they were not arrested on Hryshevskogo St., but couple of bus stops from Hryshevskogo St., next to the memorial of Famine. Right before these events, he was bitten almost to death by the police that broke his nose. Charged with violation of articles, according to the Criminal Code, as regards of the massive organizational riot.
Kostur Oleksandr, 21 y.o., student, Born in Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region, half-orphan, has disabled dad. He was arrested by Internal Forces “Bercut”, during force attack at Hrushevskogo St. on January 22nd. Security measure is two months of detention.
Kotliar Andriy, a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Security measure defined by the Obolon court of Kyiv is two months ( till 20th March) of house arrest in a hostel. The University emphasizes, he hasn’t took active part in riots at Hrushevskogo St. Due to his friend’s words, during the detention, police heat him, as they required to admit a member of which political Party he is.
Kravtsov Oleksandr, activist of AutoMaydan . Security measure – two months of arrest. According to the words of deputy “Svoboda” Pavel Petrenko, after the arrest of “Berkut”( Internal Forces) Alexander was made to stay a few hours on his knees in the snow and shout “Glory of Berkut “. Car of detainee was viewed five hours later at the court of Obolon District, where beats and helmets were found in the trunk. Alexander Krawcow is accused in assaulting and attack on “Berkut’s” car (up to 6 years imprisonment).
Kudynow Anton, a journalist. Security measure, determined by the Solomyansky Court of Kyiv : month of arrest. He was being charged in riots , but was detained the other day. As Anton told to reporters that he approached the ” Berkut ” not to fight , but holding a white flag in his hands.
Kyuriy Ivan, 25 y.o., born in Truskavets, Lviv Region . Charged with riots, attack on the Internal Forces and burning the bus.
Maiborskiy Vitaliy, born in Kalush . Security measure defined by the Dniprovsky court of Kyiv is two months of house arrest.
Mandych Oleksandr, activist of AutoMaidan, 30 y.o. Security measure defined by the Obolon Court of Kyiv is two months of detention.
Marcus Volodymyr, activist of the Euromaidan, was arrested with journalist Vladimir Karahyaurom at the gas station where he was buying fuel for generators. Security measure defined by the Dniprovsky Court of Kyiv is two months of detention. He is charged for mass riots.
Marcus Oleksandr, one of the Euromaidan’s performers. He was arrested along with journalist Vladimir Karahyaurom. Security measure defined Dnieper Kyiv court: two months of detention. He was being charged the same as the others: riots.
Martynenko Sergiy, one of the AutoMaidan’s performers. He’s 26 years old. Security measure defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two months of detention. Information by “EvromaidanSOS».
Mysiak Igor, 20 years old. Security measure defined Obolon Court of Kyiv is two months of detention. Information by “EvromaidanSOS».
Moskalets Dmytro, 28 years old, cultural scientist, musician, an organizer of the festival of provincial cinema «KU-KU-LYA» and co-author of the project «In the shade of girls-flowers». Security measure is two months of detention. He was arrested by “Berkut” (Internal Forces) together with a poet Yukhimom Dishkanton and research worker of Institute of economic researches and political consultations Arthurom Koval’chukom in the morning on January, 20 not on Hrushevskoho St., but a few stops away from that street – near the memorial of Famine. He stresses that they were not involved in riots on Hrushevskoho St. Before they were arrested by “Berkut”(Internal Forces) they were beaten by “titushky”. They demanded from the activists to give armature, compressed cylinders but among the personal belongings of activists none of this was present. Moskaletz, Dishkant and Koval’chuk are charged for violation of the articles of the Criminal Code regarding the organization of mass unrest.
Okulov Danylo, a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Security measure defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two months (until March 20) of house arrest in a hostel. The University emphasizes that the night events on January 20 had nothing to do with Danylo. According to the charge on the night of January 20 he was actively involved in the riots on Hrushevskoho St. According to friends at detentions he was beaten at a head, required to confess to which political party he belongs.
Ostapiyenko Denys, A preventive measure defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two months of detention.
Paloha Igor, participant of AutoMaidan. Security measure, defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two months. Drove to help those who said that ambushed “Berkut”(internal forces). He is one of those “Berkut” hardest beat.
Pasichnyk Mykola, 72 years old, originally from Vinnitsa. Security measure, determined by the Obolon Court of Kyiv, is two months of detention. During the arrest at Hrushevskoho St. was seized fish, bacon and bread. Arrested for throwing stones towards the police.
Popovich Vasyl, who was arrested at Hrushevskoho St . Security measure, determined by the Obolon Court of Kyiv is house arrest.
Pyzhak Yaroslav, participant of AutoMaidan, 19 years old. Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is detention for two months.
Rubtsow Denys, participant of AutoMaidan. Security measure, determined by the Darnytsia Court of Kyiv is detention for two months. The MP from Vitali’s Klitschko party Mochkov Alexander was at the hearing and reported that “Berkut”(Internal Forces) had beat Denis a lot. He left 17 stitches on his head, also has a concussion and bruising. According to the relevant charges he is threatened 2 to 6 years in prison.
Saidakov Dmytro, participant of AutoMaidan. Security measure, determined by the Darnytsia Court of Kyiv is detention for two months. According to the relevant charges he is threatened from 2 to 6 years in prison.
Saliga Oleksiy, participant of AutoMaidan. 29 years old. Security measure, determined by the Obolon Court of Kyiv is detention for two months.
Sergienko Denys, participant of AutoMaidan, originally from Lugansk, 32 years old. Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is detention for two months. He was really beaten, the car was actually destroyed. ‘’espreso.tv’’ reported that he hadn’t taken participation in promotions of AutoMaydan.
Simonow Sergiy, who was arrested on Hrushevskoho St. Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two month of the house arrest.
Slivinskiy Vasyl, he was born in Kalush. Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two month of the house arrest.
Smaliy Viktor, the lawyer of one of the protesters Andrew Dzyndzya, verdict determined on the 21 of December 2 mouths of imprisonment. Incriminating attempt on the life of a judge.
Syutyk Bogdan, a 32 year old man, Security measure, determined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two month of detention.
Frolow, Activist, he is still being in a hospital in a very critical condition. His case of measure hasn’t been considered yet , because of his health condition.
Khrobyust Yuriy, a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Security measure defined by the Obolon’ Court of Kyiv is two months (until March 20) of house arrest in a hostel. The University emphasizes that the events on the night of January 20 he had nothing to do. For the prosecution, Khrobyust Yuriy actively participated in riots on the Hrushevskoho St. According to friends he was beaten in the head required to admit of any party.
Tsulutskiy Vladyslav, graduate KPI, programmer SAMSUNG. He was arrested on Hrushevskoho St. According to his friend’s words, Vladyslav is very much smitten by “Berkut” (Internal Forces). He has a broken nose, broken jaw. He was being charged the same as the others: riots. Security measure is a month of detention. He was tried in absentia. He’s treating in a city hospital now.
Shkrabak Oleksandr a student of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. Security measure defined by the Darnytsia district Court of Kyiv is a months of house arrest in a hostel. It is emphasized at the University that he was not involved into the events on the night of Jan. 20. The University emphasizes that the night events on January 20 had nothing to do with Oleksandr. According to the charge on the night of January 20 he was actively involved in the riots on Hrushevskoho St. According to friends at detentions he was beaten at a head, required to confess to which political party he belongs. His friends told he was approached by a group of 10 plain-clothed man at Podol district that kicked his head and eventually drove him to the police station. On their way Oleksandr was pressed to confess which politica party he belongs to.
Shmyndjyuk Andriy, one of the AutoMaidan activist. Security measure, defined by Darnytsia Court of Kyiv is two months of detention. He faces from 2 to 6 years in prison.
Yurchenko Dmytro, was arrested for carrying in his car automobile tires. The case is considered Solomians’ky Court of Kyiv. Information by “EuromaidanSOS”. — Brian Bonner