You're reading: Financial Times: Ukraine protesters take rally to Yanukovych’s residence

As tens of thousands of anti-government protesters continued to rally in a barricaded tent encampment in downtown Kiev, thousands more took the month-long protest 10 kilometres outside the city outskirts, driving their cars to the heavily-guarded Mezhyhirya estate of the embattled Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich.

Honking horns in cars decorated with the flags of Ukraine and European Union, the actions of the demonstrators increased pressure on Mr Yanukovich’s administration, which is under fire for widespread corruption, kleptocracy and last month’s U-turn from EU integration towards Moscow.

The protesters, a mix of middle-class youth and middle-aged parents, chanted: “Out with the bandits.”

Addressing crowds near the entrance to Mr Yanukovich’s Mezhyhirya residence, protected by 2-metre high walls and hundreds of riot police, Vitali Klitschko, the heavyweight boxing champion-turned opposition politician, said: “Next time millions will come here.”

“Today’s actions are a warning. The ruling regime should not think they can hide behind high walls and not hear the people,” he said, repeating calls for snap presidential and parliamentary elections.

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