You're reading: Catching the last summer days

A few things to do till fall and see summer off in style

For all you sun worshipers, get out there and enjoy the last days of summer!

Sad, but true … summer is winding down. It seems like only yesterday we were all making big vacation plans, perhaps a long-term getaway, an adventurous extreme dream or a quiet seaside ease.

For those that have missed out, be it lounging next to a television or swamped with work, no worries, you still have the last few weeks to break free, with some perfectly acceptable options right here in the Kyiv region. The summer-style partying at some Kyiv venues will continue into the autumn, and options to take a short trip out of town along the Dnipro on boat, or for a picnic, are still very much open. So party up!

Beach clubbing

Kyiv’s open air beach nightclubs, many of which are situated in the Hydropark islands between the left and right banks of the capital, remain one of the most popular hot spots summer into autumn if you are in the mood for drinking, dancing, and all-night partying. During the day you can lie on the clean beach, swim in the pool, enjoy the sun, and indulge in your favorite cocktail.

If you’re the health freak type, there is plenty of active recreation available, including volleyball, mini-football, Frisbee, or water football. DJs on the scene will do their best, and a fine job at that, to keep you in the beat and ready to party when the moon comes out.

At nights the nightclubs are rocking, allowing all escapades to continue well into the morning. UAM Beach Club on the Hydropark is considered a cut above the rest, with top-notch DJs from all over the world, and outstanding live concerts. Daily beach-parties begin at midnight and will have you grooving to soulful, deep and beach-house music. The energetic sounds, bright disco lights and let-loose cocktail solutions will keep you partying well into the morning, ready to refuel with a nap on the beach. The only reason to leave is to take a shower.

Privilege open air club is located far from the beach – on Parkova Alleya. Yet as this joint operates only in the warm summer days, don’t miss out on your chance to show your face at its last parties for this season.

Party Boat

It doesn’t take as much thought and effort as one might think to organize a party on a cruise boat for friends, family or your office gang.

One of the coolest things about renting a boat is that it you can take it any time of day or night, and keep it as long as you like – as long as you’re willing to pay some $100 per hour.

Want the boat for a week, or longer? It’s all negotiable. You can also choose any route you like, including stops at islands on the Dnipro to swim, play sports or have a barbecue. Almost any kind of entertainment for the cruise can be arranged, from barbeques and birthday parties to drinks and bar service with waiters, entertainment programs and disco dancing. You can also bring your own food and drinks. To get the party started, a deejay can be hired to invigorate your gang.

The required deposit for hiring any boats is 50 percent of the full price, which you’ll need to give away to make a booking. Another, more elegant option, is to hire a cruise yacht at the Obolon embankment. Cruises are available by the hour or for the whole day.

Cottage for weekend

Worn out by the heat, hustle and bustle of the city? Then get out for a few days to a cottage, where you can bond with nature, hear the birds chirping.

Cottages are available for rent daily or long-term. Prices depend on the cottage’s proximity to the city and the prestige of the area it is located in, as well as the cottage’s decor and whether or not it has a pool, telephone line, or other conveniences.

You can find a wide range of options within the 50 km range of Kyiv.

Traditionally the most prestigious location – Obukhivske – is full of various elite and business class cottages in a pine forest setting. Some are close to lakes, or the Dnipro.

Cottages in Romankove, Lisnyky, Bezradychi, Plyuty, Pidhirtsi regions are also popular destinations, as are organized cottage villages in Zoloti Vorota and Romanovo.

You may also find lovely country houses in Bortnichi, Osokorki or Vyshenki close to the Dnipro River, or in the Desna River region – Zazymya, Horenychi and Pukhivka villages.

Not far from Kyiv Sea, north of the capital, there are quite good offers for economy-class cottages. The price for the lease of a ready-made single private cottage for 24-hours starts at around $550. If you wish to rent a stylish cottage with all necessary conveniences for the whole summer, you can count on a price of at least $6,000 per month.

Looking for something cheaper? Then just drive out to smaller villages in the vicinity and bargain with locals. You are sure to find someone willing to rent out their rooms, or entire village homes, for a day, a week or more.

UAM Beach Club (Hydropark metro, 330-6114);

Privilege (Arsenalna metro, 2 Parkova Aleya (former Zeleniy Theater));

River Port (Poshtova Ploshcha, Dnipro River Cruises tour bureau, 462-5019);

Yacht rentals (;

Rent summer cottage for weekend goes to ( or