You're reading: Despite security issues in the east, elections still to be recognized, observers say

Even though presidential elections in Eastern Ukraine might not take place in the majority of constituencies due to multiple security threats according to watchdogs, foreign observers say there is no risk that the overall poll will be called illegitimate. 

 On May 25 Ukraine will hold its early presidential elections and elections to local councils in some cities including Ukraine’s capital Kyiv. And though the preparation for the election day goes well at 95 percent of the country’s polling stations the vote might be disrupted in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts where the confrontation between pro-Russian armed groups and Ukrainian military forces have been continuous for several months.

Oleksandr Chernenko, the head of Ukraine’s Committee of Voters says numerous members of local election commissions in Donetsk and Luhansk oblast just resigned. “Everyone understands that holding elections in many districts there is dangerous for life of local residents,” he said to Channel 5 on May 24. “I know that in many places local authorities have made a decision to give up on the elections,” he added.

The head of Central Electtion Commission Mykhailo Okhendovskyi confirms –  the vote can be organized only in two districts in whole Luhansk oblast. How many polling stations will be able to open tomorrow morning in Donetsk Oblast will be clear only early on May 25, Ukrainian News reported.

Despite the grim situation at the country’s two easternmost oblasts secretary general of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe parliamentary assembly Spencer Oliver assured that Ukrainian elections will be recognized legitimate “as the expression of the will of the majority of people.”

Oliver also added that OSCE has its long term observers in the country’s east that collect information for a mission. “We fully understand that voting might be dangerous for some people, but do hope it is possible to predict and prevent the threats,” he said.

Meanwhile there are no good news from official sources in the East. Even though the preparation for the election date continues and over three thousand police officers are going to guard polling stations in Donetsk oblast on May 25, “the situation in the area keeps deteriorating and the confrontation between the representatives of so called Donbass People’s Republic and Ukrainian military formations have intensified,” the statement on the Donetsk Regional Administration official website reads.

According to General Prosecutors Office 83 criminal investigations have been launched on charges for obstructing election process in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

The statement of Donetsk Regional Administration specifies the crimes.

City council building in Krasnyi Lyman is controlled by armed people, the register of voters sealed. In Zugres, Donetsk Oblast, the representatives of so called Dontesk People’s Republic have smashed local polling stations and beaten up local election commission members. The work of several district election commissions has been suspended in Donetsk, commission members have been intimidated.

Though the list contains dozens of such crime examples Donetsk Oblast Governor Serhiy Taruta still calls on people to come and vote on May 25. “I call on people of the region to ignore provocations, believe only official sources and fulfill your duties as citizens, come and vote on May 25, at least at those polling stations that will be open tomorrow,” his statement on regional website reads. Taruta also condemned the activities of Donetsk People’s republic representatives in the region and ensured for him “people’s life is the main value.”