You're reading: Poroshenko hopes United Nations will take active part in restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that Kyiv hopes that the United Nations (UN) would take active part in restoring Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

‘The Ukrainian state highly appreciates UN’s contribution in reacting to humanitarian consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine and thankful for attracting attention to gross violation of human rights in occupied Donbas and Crimea. We hope that the UN, which is a global arbitrator in issues of global peace and security, would take more active part in efforts aimed at restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,’ reads Poroshenko’s address on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations posted on the president’s website.

‘In the anniversary year for the UN I want to express sincere conviction in the successful future of the UN, which is possible only in the conditions of the full devotion of all its members to the Charter of the UN, the 70th anniversary of which we’re celebrating today,’ he said.

Poroshenko said that he is proud of the role Ukraine played in the creation of the UN and its operation.

‘Development of friendly and good-neighborly relations among nations, sovereign equality of states, refraining in their international relations from the threat or use of force, settling international disputes by peaceful means – these principles laid in the Charter of the UN became the basis of modern world order,’ Poroshenko said.