Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters last month, Bellingcat was able to purchase 25 square kilometers of satellite imagery from Digital Globe. Our latest report used this imagery to definitively demonstrate that the Russian Ministry of Defense falsely dated satellite photos it presented to the international community in the days after the MH17 tragedy last year in order to implicate Ukraine. Now, we will use the same Digital Globe imagery to show that the low-loader that hauled the Buk linked with the downing of MH17 was in fact absent from its vehicle yard when it was photographed by Paris Match on the morning of 17 July 2014.
Murder In The Sky: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
Bellingcat: Tracking the vehicle that transported the MH17 Buk

Dutch and Malaysian investigators and local authorities work, on April 23, 2015 on the site where the bulk of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot out of the sky near the village of Grabove in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.