It’s not every day that a public official in Ukraine gains an international fan base.
Especially when the official
is a Ukrainian prosecutor, and the fan base consists of Japanese men who
seemingly lust for her.
Recently appointed state
prosecutor of Crimea, Nataliya Poklonskaya is 33. But she looks younger and, yes, she is very attractive.
The March 12 press conference that sent Crimean prosector Nataliya Poklonskaya’s popularity soaring.
Poklonskaya is a strong
supporter of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but it’s not what she famous for.
The pretty face became popular after a video of her speech at the March 12
press conference went viral.
In the video, the tender
blonde Poklonskaya frowns as she tries to speak strictly, promising the rule of
law for the Crimean people. Her relaxed hairdo and wide eyes play a contrast
with the dark blue prosecutor’s uniform she’s wearing. It must have been this
stunning contrast that sparked the unexpected interest for Poklonskaya in

The 39-second fragment of the
video was uploaded by a Japanese YouTube user and gained some 600,000 views.
But really weird things started when dozens of anime or manga pictures featuring
Poklonskaya popped up as fan art.
The drawings picture
Poklonskaya as a manga girl, capturing her cartoonish features really well. At
every picture, Poklonskaya wears her prosecutor’s uniform, though some of the
artists improved the uniform, adding a seductive neckline. In another picture,
Poklonskaya stands in a certain position, missing the bottoms of her uniform. A
fan page for Poklonskaya was started in Vkontakte network.
The comments under the video
include “kawaii” (“cute”) and “prosecutie” among others. A commenter asked if
it was “a Crimean” to fall in love with her. Offers to “prosecute me at any
moment” pour in, too.
“She can annex me any day!” wrote Clyde Bear on March 21.

It’s not like Poklonskaya
didn’t do anything to help creating this image of herself. In one of the photos
that she uploaded to her social media page before the assignment, Poklonskaya
lays stretched on the red velvet sofa, wearing a little black dress, her hand
on her hip in a clear attempt to create a seductive pose. It is known that
Poklonskaya is divorced and has a daughter.
In an interview that she gave
to Russian Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Poklonskaya said that four men were offered her
post and turned it down before Crimea’s self-proclaimed Prime Minister Serhiy
Aksyonov came to her with the offer.
While foreign men fall for
Poklonskaya, her compatriots are much more down-to-earth in their comments.
“They appointed a girl so that
the bandits would feel sorry to kill her,” commented a Russian-speaking user,
breaking in the flow of the complimentary and dirty comments.
Kyiv Post editor Olga Rudenko can be reached at