You're reading: Activist with brain injury disappears from Dnipropetrovsk hospital

 In Dnipropetrovsk, 20-year-old Svoboda Party activist Yaroslav Synytsia, has been missing since Feb. 11. He had been beaten on Jan. 26, was a suspect in "riots" and "terrorism" and was in the neurosurgery department of the Mechnikov regional hospital.

According to the hospital management, he was not discharged from the department. Moreover, the doctors noted that Yaroslav Synytsia was in a medium severe condition; he needed to be treated for at least one more week.

Since January 26, the 20- year-old student of historical department Yaroslav Synytsia had been in the neurosurgical department of the regional hospital with an open brain injury after being beaten by unidentified youths near the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration building.

Since his arrival at the hospital, his home has been searched twice. The first time nothing was found. After the second search, militia found explosives which, Sinitisa’s father Dmytro suggests, they planted themselves.

In addition, the militia seized focused on Dmytro’s political leanings and library. “The searchers asked us directly: ‘So you are fascists, aren’t you?’”, said Dmytro Synytsia.

“The reason for the search was that my son was allegedly involved in illegal activities, collected nationalistic literature, and was a member of the Svoboda party. They also confiscated all my books. This literature did not belong my son; it was mine. I am a teacher of history and I’ve been collecting this library all my life”, said the man. “They confiscated Freud, Nietzsche, and a number of books on World War II. This topic is studied in the 10th and 11th  grades at school, as well as the topic of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in independent Ukraine!”

 “The next day my wife was taken from the hospital for the second search. They planted explosives in the garage. Currently my son is accused of being a member of a terrorist group,” said Yaroslav’s father.

Besides Synytsia, two of the local leaders of Svoboda are being targeted in the investigation into preparations for “a terroristic act”. The SSU said that the group was preparing an explosion at the site of an object in the energy sector.

The original article is on Ukrainska Pravda at: