You're reading: BelTA: Grodno Oblast to consider involving Ukrainians in its construction projects

GRODNO - Grodno Oblast is ready to consider the involvement of Ukrainian builders in its construction projects, Chairman of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Ukraine Valentin Velichko, BelTA learned. In the region the pace of construction and renovations is fast. Once in a while the region faces the problem of the lack of manpower especially during the summer period. This is the area where Ukraine can offer help, considering the high level of unemployment in the neighboring country. According to the diplomat, the Ukrainian side will be interested in the opportunity to send builders for the turn-key construction in Belarus and also specialists for seasonal work. A decision was taken to organize a meeting at the level of the holding companies to discuss the ways of cooperation.

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