You're reading: BYT suspects Yanukovych, Yushchenko of reaching secret deal

First Deputy Chairman of the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYT) Faction Andriy Kozhemiakin has said that some MPs from the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense (OU-PSD) faction are trying to legalize a secret agreement reached between former Ukrainian President Victor Yuschenko and incumbent President Victor Yanukovych, the BYT press service reported on Feb. 25.

While commenting on statements by some members of the OU-PSD faction regarding their readiness to hold coalition talks, if their faction member is appointed prime minister, Kozhemiakin said: "Part of the OU-PSD members are trying to legalize a secret agreement between Yanukovych and Yushchenko."

"Over a month ago, it became known that there was a secret agreement between the two Victors… The agreement was that Yushchenko will do everything to reduce the rating of [current Prime Minister Yulia] Tymoshenko, receiving the post of prime minister in return," the press service quoted Kozhemiakin s saying.