You're reading: Democratic Alliance denies membership to LGBT activist

The political party Democratic Alliance has denied membership to Bohdan Globa, an LGBT (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) activist based in Kyiv.

Speaking to journalists at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center on June 4, Democratic Alliance leader Vasyl Gatsko underscored that Globa’s sexual orientation had nothing to do with the decision.

“Nobody in Democratic Alliance asks when, how, or with whom one sleeps, or about their sexual orientation. This decision was not related to his sexual preference, it is related to his views…His views differ from ours, for example, on the issue of family,” said Gatsko.

When the Kyiv Post pressed Gatsko about the meaning of family values, he responded that “Democratic Alliance is a Christian Democratic party. Our position is that family is made up of a man and a woman.”

Tochka Opori, an advocacy group that works with people with HIV and members of the LGBT community, condemned Democratic Alliance’s decision, citing Ukraine’s anti-discrimination laws.

The group argued that Democratic Alliance had violated article 24 of Ukraine’s constitution, which states: “There shall be no privileges or restrictions based on race, color, political, religious or other beliefs, sex, ethnic or social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics.”

“We maintain that the political party Democratic Alliance which gained its popularity in the wake of the revolution of dignity and pro-European ideas turned out to be totally unprepared for liberal values, norms and rules,” read a statement on Tochka Opori’s website.

Gatsko said that the Democratic Alliance “represents the views of our society,” and that Ukrainians with different views are free to join other political parties.

Globa could not be reached immediately for comment.

Democratic Alliance began as a youth movement, registering as a political party in 2011, when it began to running on an anti-corruption platform. The party is popular among young voters and played an active role in the EuroMaidan Protests that toppled former President Viktor Yanukovych in February.

Because the party largely caters to young, typically more liberal voters, the decision to deny membership to Globa is somewhat surprising. Democratic Alliance’s platform calls for democracy and social justice, and for a society “based on human values, upholding the priority of human rights and freedoms.”

Democratic Alliance secured two seats in the Kyiv Rada in the May 25 municipal elections, winning just over 3 percent of the vote, the threshold necessary for representation in the local parliament.

The party’s leaders noted at least 10 instances of falsification in the election, suggesting that other parties had tried to marginalize Democratic Alliance, thereby securing greater representation in the Kyiv Rada.

Kyiv Post staff writer Isaac Webb can be reached at and on Twitter at @IsaacDWebb.