You're reading: Financial Times: EU warns Russia over punishing Ukraine

The EU issued a sharp warning to Russia on Tuesday not to punish Ukraine with unilateral and discriminatory trade restrictions in retaliation for the former Soviet republic’s efforts to forge closer economic ties with the 28-member bloc.

a statement, EU trade spokesperson John Clancy said Brussels “questions the
grounds for Russia to restrict Ukrainian exports”. He added: “In the view of
the EU any economic threat from Russia directed against Ukraine and linked to
the country’s possible signature of the association agreement with the EU is

Kyiv said later on Tuesday Moscow had agreed to drop tightened and costly customs
checks introduced last week on its exports, raising hopes a stand-off that
threatened to escalate into a trade war might be defused.

Russian side assured [us] that as of today, additional customs control
procedures do not apply,” Ukraine’s government said late on Tuesday.

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