You're reading: Foggy, +10C in Kyiv on Monday

On Nov. 22, Kyiv is expected to have cloudy weather with clearing, no significant precipitation, intermittent fog, light breeze, and temperatures of +6...+8 C at night and of +8...+10 C in the daytime, Ukrainian News has learned from the Ukrainian Weather Center.

In western Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearing, no significant precipitation, fog, and southeastern wind of 3-8 m/s are expected. Temperatures will stand at +2…+7 C at night, and at +6…+11 C in the daytime.

In the Carpathians, no significant precipitation at night, light rain in the daytime are expected. Temperatures will stand at 0…+5 C at night, and at +2…+7 C in the daytime.

In Morshyn, no significant precipitation at night, light rain in the daytime are expected. Temperatures will stand at +5…+7 C at night, and at +8…+10 C in the daytime.

In Truskavets, no significant precipitation at night, light rain in the daytime are expected. Temperatures will stand at +5…+7 C at night, and at +6…+8 C in the daytime.

In Svaliava, no significant precipitation at night, light rain in the daytime are expected. Temperatures will stand at +3…+5 C at night, and at +7…+9 C in the daytime.

In northern Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearing, no significant precipitation, fog, light breeze are expected. Temperatures will stand at +3…+8 C at night, and at +6…+11 C in the daytime.

Central Ukraine will see cloudy weather with clearing, light rain in places at night, no significant precipitations in the daytime, fog, light breeze. Temperatures will be of +3…+8 C at night, and of +6…+11 C in the daytime.

For eastern Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather with clearing, light rain at night, no significant precipitations in the daytime, fog, light breeze. Temperatures will be of +2…+7 C at night, and of +5…+10 C in the daytime.

In southern Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearing, no significant precipitation, fog, and eastern wind of 3-8 m/s are expected. Temperatures will be of +5…+10 C at night, and of +7…+12 C in the daytime.

Crimea will see cloudy weather with clearing, light rain at night, no significant precipitation in the daytime, fog, and northeastern wind of 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will stand at +6…+11 C at night, and at +11…+16 C in the daytime.

In Yalta, light rain at night, no significant precipitation in the daytime are expected. Temperatures will stand at +9…+11 С at night, and at +14…+16 C in the daytime.