You're reading: Four Ukrainian crewmembers from vessel that sank near French coast arrive in Portugal

Four Ukrainian crewmembers from the Florece ship which sank near the French coast on Dec. 9 have arrived in the Portugese port of Cascais, Oleksandr Dykusarov, press secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Ukrainian News.

The Florece ship sank following a collision with the Afrodite tanker in the Bay of Biscay. The crew of the Florece ship was transferred to life rafts and was rescued by the Ocean Titan ship.

No casualties are reported.

The crew of the Florece ship was comprised of seven members.The crew has been provided with accommodation in a hotel and other necessities in Cascais. Authorities are working to return the Ukrainian citizens to their homeland, according to Dykusarov.

Ukrainian News reported a previous accident of the Koosha 1 ship (the flag of Iran), which sank on October 20 following an accident in the Persian Gulf near Iran.Five Ukrainian citizens were members of the crew. Four crewmembers were rescued and one Ukrainian citizen is missing.