You're reading: Kharkiv residents call for repeat mayoral election

About 20,000 residents of Kharkiv have signed a letter to Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych with a demand to hold a repeat mayoral election in the city, the Ukrainian service of Germany's Deutsche Welle Radio has reported.

The letter is expected to be sent on Monday, November 15.

According to a report, a protest event has been held in Kharkiv on the central square for six days running. Participants in the event are calling for a repeat vote count or the holding of a repeat mayoral election.

"If there is no response, the participants in the event will switch to tough opposition," Deutsche Welle cited one of activists as saying.

As reported, Kharkiv City Election Commission declared representative of the Regions Party Hennadiy Kernes the elected city mayor.

His main opponent, Arsen Avakov, claimed there had been falsification during the vote count, but the district administrative court of Kharkiv region rejected Avakov’s appeal against the results of the mayoral election.