You're reading: Khreschatyk closed to weekend traffic

KYIV — Pedestrians were free to stroll down the center of Kyiv's main thoroughfare last weekend thanks to a city decree banning traffic on Khreschatyk on Saturdays, Sundays and official public holidays.

The decision was made “to reduce levels of exhaust in the center of town, and to create the proper conditions for citizens and guests of Kyiv,” according to the decree signed by Kyiv City Administration head Oleksandr Omelchenko.

Khreschatyk will be closed to both public and private transportation from 9 a.m. to midnight during the summer months, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for the rest of the year, according to the decree.

The changes may not be permanent, however. Rostyslav Karandeev, head of the City Administration press service, said the closing of Khreschatyk was an experiment that would last until the end of the year. “If it proves to be successful by the end of the year, and it is convenient and does not create transportation problems, it will be continued,” he said.

Karandeev also said the city might extend the ban to cover Fridays or all weekdays in the future, depending upon public reaction. “However, it is too early to raise this issue just now,” he said.

Public reaction to the city's decision seemed mixed. Some residents said they enjoyed strolling down the center of the thoroughfare, while others complained about the inconvenience to drivers.

“There is nothing to look at on Khreschatyk, there are no tourist attractions,” said one resident. “It's unrealistic to make a pedestrian zone there.”

Karandeev said the city has not received any formal complaint. But he said he has heard grumbling. “Those who have offices on the street complain, of course. But at the