You're reading: Kyiv moves up in EIU biz ranking

Ukraine placed 70th in rankings released by the EUI Oct. 25, measuring the business environment quality of 82 countries over the next four years

Ukraine placed 70th in rankings released by the Economist Intelligence Unit Oct. 25 measuring the business environment quality of 82 countries over the next four years.

The new ranking puts Ukraine five notches higher compared with the ranking established for 2003-2007.

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is the business information arm of The Economist Group, which publishes The Economist.

EIU’s business environment rankings model, which was launched in 1997, measures the attractiveness of a country’s business environment and its key components. The model measures each country according to 10 categories and 91 indicators, assessing them through quantitative data, business surveys and expert assessments. Each of the 82 countries receives a final score on a 1-10 scale.

According to EIU’s Oct. 25 press release, the model is “designed to reflect the main criteria used by companies to formulate their global business strategies and investment location decisions.”

Ukraine placed 70th with a score of 5.48, moving up an entire point from its last assessment of 4.48 over the last four-year period. Despite its advancement, the country still ranked lower than every other country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) that was assessed.

Estonia led the CEE pack, taking 21st position with a score of 7.85, followed by the Czech Republic (28), Slovakia (30), Poland (34), and Hungary (36), all with scores in the 7-7.5 range. Ukraine was surpassed by Russia (62) and Kazakhstan (68), which both fell three and two spots, respectively, since the last rankings.

“The pursuit of EU membership has driven improvements in business environment in much of [CEE], although the incentive to reform is blunted after a country becomes a member,” reads a statement issued by the EIU.

Denmark took first place with a score of 8.78, followed by Finland and Singapore. East Asia remains the most attractive emerging market (EM) in the world for investment. Lowest in the rankings were Iran (80), Venezuela (81), and Angola (82). Despite Ukraine’s business environment ranking being the weakest in the CEE region, according to Nenad Pacek, an expert at EIU, Ukraine is the region’s fourth most important corporate priority for business development expansion over the next three to five years, surpassed only by Russia, Turkey, and Romania, which take first, second and third positions, respectively.

Pacek explained that the CEE region is attractive for business development. It has a high degree of predictability and offers significantly lower risks for businesses than China, India, the Middle East, Latin America or Africa.

Within CEE, Ukraine is one of the fastest growing markets, and the CIS, where 74 percent of companies are seeing double-digit growth, is the best region for investment. The region’s high real GDP growth rates in part reflect its continuing attractiveness to companies. In 2006, the CEE region had one of the highest real GDP percentages worldwide, at 7 percent, and was surpassed only by Asia (excluding Japan) at 7.1 percent. CEE is expected to undergo 5.5 percent real GDP growth in 2007-2011, once again surpassed only by Asia with 5.6 percent.

However, Pacek emphasized several points that companies should keep in mind to avoid inflated expectations from the region. Firstly, CEE only produces 4 percent of world GDP at market exchange rates, and represents only 5.5 percent of global sales for an established multinational corporation.

As for the economic performance of the world’s emerging markets (EMs) overall, in 2006, EMs collectively produced more than half of the world’s GDP. They also accounted for more than 80 percent of the global population and presently consume 49 percent of the world’s oil. EMs also buy more than 50 percent of all developed world exports and hold 70 percent of world forex reserves.

According to a 2006 CEO survey conducted by EIU, demand in EMs is the single most important force shaping today’s business world.