You're reading: Lutsenko troubles continue – with Facebook

Former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, recently freed from prison, has troubles registering on Facebook. 

said his account has been blocked.

he was working on Facebook for about an hour and then was banned
again. It is
written that Facebook had been receiving complaints about spam
from his
account. We are so tired of writing to Facebook and asking them
to unblock the
account over and over,” says Lutsenko’s spokesperson Larysa Sargan.

She blames
it on a deliberate cyber attack.

registered on Facebook days after he was released from prison on
April 7, when President
Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree pardoning several convicts,
Lutsenko. The ex-minister was released on the same day. In his
first Facebook
posts, he said he is eager to have a discussion with users.

The Pechersky
District Court in Kyiv found Lutsenko guilty of committing
official crimes and
sentenced him to four years in prison, a conviction seen in
Ukraine and
especially in the West as political retribution for his
opposition to

Without the
pardon, Lutsenko’s four-year term was scheduled to end in
December 2014.

Kyiv Post
staff writer Svitlana Tuchynska can be reached at [email protected]