You're reading: Nationalist groups picket Presidential Administration

The leaders of several Ukrainian nationalist organizations, including Tryzub (Trident), The Congress of Ukrainian nationalists, the Ukrainian Nationalist Assembly - Ukrainian Nationalist Self-Defense (UNA-UNSD), and Svoboda (Freedom) picketed the Presidential Administration on Jan. 14 to draw attention to the harrassment and arrest of dozens of their members by law-enforcement agencies in recent weeks.

Chanting "Shame! Shame! Down with the criminal authorities," about 100 protesters gathered around a gigantic Ukrainian flag. An equal number of policemen patrolled the entrance to on Bankova St., parking two large militia buses near the the entrance to Institutska St.

Civil activists plan to picket the Presidential Administration again on Jan. 17 to protest harrassment of activists who took part in protests against the adoption of the tax code on Independence square in November and December. Opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko on Jan. 4 said her Batkyvschina Party would take part in another planned rally on Jan. 22, Unity Day.