You're reading: New rules affecting foreigners

Over the last couple months, two important changes to Ukrainian non-resident travel rules have been instituted.

Visa and visa-free stays

As of May 16, when Ukraine became a World Trade Organization member, the stamp imprinted by a passport control officer at the border and considered a foreign national’s initial registration has the following validity periods:

– For all non-residents entering Ukraine with a visa: not more than 90 continuous days after entering Ukraine.

– For individuals entering Ukraine under the visa-free or simplified visa regime for a period of 90 days (cumulatively) during any 180-day period.

– For citizens of WTO member countries (including those visiting with a visa) – for a period of 180 days (cumulatively) during a year.

Individuals planning to stay in Ukraine beyond the above listed periods may prolong their stay with registration with the UGIRFO (Department of Citizenship, Immigration and Registration of individuals), commonly referred to as OVIR.

Travelers who overstay their windows (90 or 180 days) without registration face fines of between Hr 340 and Hr 680. While these rules are sporadically enforced, it is recommended that you register with the authorities at least three days prior to entry stamp expiration.

U.S. Embassy officials and the Kyiv Post asked the customs department if WTO country travelers who arrived prior to May 16 are grandfathered into the 180 day window, but have received no response.

While these are the stated regulations, this does not protect the individual traveler from arbitrary enforcement by border, UGIRFO, or law enforcement officials.

Currency restriction changes

The National Bank of Ukraine changed the currency declaration rules last May. As of July 27, individuals, regardless of citizenship, may bring into and out of Ukraine the equivalent of 10,000 euro without a written customs declaration.

If the amount exceeds this threshold, the whole sum (i.e., including the 10,000 euro limit) is subject to a compulsory written customs declaration.

However, if an individual intends to perform banking operations with funds brought into Ukraine, a customs declaration is required regardless of the amount.

Complaints can be filed at [email protected] or with the custom’s “trust” hotline at 8 800 501 3130.