You're reading: Politychna Dumka: Interview with writer Yuriy Andrukhovych

Yuriy Andrukhovych believes Ukraine's authorities are frightened by planned protests by businessmen and opposition leaders. In an interview appearing on Jan. 17 in the Politychna Dumka (Political Thought) journal, the outspoken Ukrainian writer said the regime is scared stiff. "The authorities have driven themselves in a situation when the only option for them is fear and, naturally, instilling fear in their opponents. The more fear the regime generates in society, the more afraid it is. Commenting Interior Minister Mohyliov’s recent statement parliament on the possibility of bloodshed during the planned Jan. 22 rally in Kyiv to mark Unity Day, Andrukhovych said the regime is engaged in a war of nerves with opposition leaders. Read the Ukrainian-language version of the interview here.