You're reading: Register now — U.S. General Election in less than four months

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv urges all U.S. citizens living here to register early for this year’s vote, which promises to be a watershed event in which presidential candidates, Senators Barak Obama IL (D) and John McCain, AZ (R), battle it out to determine who will succeed George W. Bush.

out to determine who will succeed George W. Bush. The election, scheduled for Nov. 4 is only 117 days away. Additionally, 35 senate seats and all 435 congressional seats are in contention this fall.


In general, all U.S. citizens 18 years or older, residing abroad during a Federal election period are eligible to vote absentee. Some states allow overseas voters to cast ballots in state and local elections, too.

Voting eligibility and requirements are determined by U.S. states and are available on­line at For voting purposes, your “legal state of residence” is the state where you last resided immediately prior to departure from the United States.

How to Register

1. Complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) using the instructions for your state in the Voting Assistance Guide. You may pick up an FPCA from any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, or on­line at

2. Sign, date and mail the completed FPCA to the address listed for your state in the Voting Assistance Guide. If you send the FPCA through international mail, affix appropriate airmail postage. Alternatively, you can print out a postage paid address label and have any Embassy or Consulate send it via diplomatic pouch. Send a new FPCA if you have moved or if your name has changed since the last time you voted.

3. A number of states allow voters to send the FPCA by fax, but require the hard copy by mail. Find your state’s precise regulations in the Voting Assistance Guide.

4. Check your state’s voter registration website at, or follow up with your state election officials to confirm your registration.


Your local voting officials should mail your absentee ballot 30 to 45 days before the Nov. 4 general election. Be aware of y.our state’s ballot deadlines and postmark requirements. Return your ballot as early as possible.

Emergency Ballots

The Federal Write­in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) serves as an emergency ballot for those who registered in time but did not receive an official ballot. Remember, you must register to vote and request an absentee ballot before your states deadline, usually 30 days prior to the election, to be eligible for the FWAB.

If you have not received your ballot by Oct. 15, the embassy recommends completing and returning the FWAB to ensure your vote is completed.

Voter Information


The official U.S. website for overseas voting is the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website,

Locally, the U.S. Embassy’s Voting Assistance Officer is available to answer questions at +380 44 490 4445 or email at [email protected].