You're reading: Rotaract to hold charity event in Kyiv on Friday

  During the Rotaract European Meeting in Kyiv on Sept. 21, Rotaractors from Ukraine, Europe and other countries from the world will compete in football championship in order to help disabled children in Bila Tserkva. Rotaractors will help the city community of disabled children and their parents Aurveda to find necessary sources for creating team, providing them with necessary equipment and building cross functional playground. After providing Powerchair Football in Ukraine the country will become the 14th one that develops this sport. For the Rotaract Football Championship Rotaractors will form teams of 6 players without any criteria.

Time of the tournament
Sept. 21, , 13:30 – 17:00.

Place – Polit Stadium, 80 Povitroflotskyy Ave.

Organizers – Rotaract Clubs Kyiv, Kyiv Centre,
Kyiv Multinational

Rotaract is an international charity
program, which unites young people for making good deeds all over the world.
Rotaract clubs are part of Rotary International, having around 120,000 members in more than 100 countries.

a worldwide union of Rotary Clubs, respectful volunteer organizations existing
in more than 200 countries. Main objective of Rotary is service – in community,
in the workplace, around the globe.

European Meeting
– is an all-European meeting
of Rotaract and Rotary Clubs, which aims to share experience, integrate club’s
projects and reward Best European Social Projects for the last year. For the
first time REM will be held in Ukraine on September 2012 and will gather more
than 500 representatives of active and socially responsible youth.

Kindly draw your attention to the web-site of
REM – and page on Facebook where you can find more
information about the event and the program.

We will be glad if you are interested in this
information and decide to join this worldwide event!

For the
press accreditation please contact Mariana Nahirnyak

Tel. +38 063 955

E-mail [email protected]