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From Aug. 8 to Aug. 19, 73 students from 15 countries participated in this year’s “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics” summer school at the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The annual summer school is organized and held by Student Science Association and KPI. Its primary aim is to promote science among youth. Alexey Orlov, summer school coordinator masters student in Systems Analysis, says, “I think [science] is the future of our country. The potential of our people is large enough to reach a high level in scientific fields.” The school’s organizers are KPI students themselves and are proud to show off their institute’s Lenin-decorated halls and history.

Ukrainian participant Bodgan Kyryliuk is a summer school veteran. He says that the experience of attending summer school was invaluable for his acceptance into a masters program in Aachen, Germany.

Associate professor Michele Guida, from the University of Salerno in Italy, is lecturing here the first time. He’s impressed with the quality and the enthusiasm of this year’s students. “I’m reading messages from students about the importance of mixing disciplines and their interest in green business and sustainability.” He praises the organizers, saying that “even though they are young, they’re very professional.”

But it’s not all neurons and nagware. The summer school also has a healthy social agenda showing off Kyiv to participants.