You're reading: Svoboda member’s car set on fire in Ternopil

In the evening of Jan. 3, unknown persons set fire to a car owned by Bohdan Popadyn, a Svoboda city organization member in Ternopil, states Svoboda’s press service.

Popadyn said that he resides in a block of flats but never parks his
car there overnight and leaves it at his friend’s private yard nearby.
That is where the car was set on fire.

The experts who examined the scene suspect that diesel fuel had been pored over the car, the victim said.

The Svoboda Party connects the incident with Popadyn’s political
activities. In particular he was recently involved in the case of
groundlessly arrested fellow party member Maryan Kozbur and had filed a
petition to free the prisoner on bail. Also, Svoboda notes that he
participated in protests and spoke out at the City Council against the
tyranny of the current regime.

Original in Ukrainian on the Ukrainska Pravda website: