You're reading: The Epoch Times: Ukrainian government holds Soviet-style ‘dialogue’ with citizens

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych organized a “dialogue with the country” on Feb. 25 to celebrate the third anniversary of his inauguration. It was expected to be a form of communication between ordinary people and the president and was broadcast online.

In the traditional style of the Soviet leaders, it appeared staged.

No impromptu questions, only speeches and questions from supposedly ordinary citizens that sounded rehearsed—and, most importantly, no criticism. Yanukovych has been the butt of jokes after some fumbled public speeches in the past, though it seems his press secretaries prepared well for the event and it came off with neither fumble nor foul.

Places where people could assemble to ask questions were not announced. Journalists could not reach some locations, as they were barred from entrances by military guards, according to news portal Comments UA.

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