President Viktor Yanukovych brushed off Moscow's latest efforts to woo Ukraine into a Russia-led trade bloc, insisting in an interview that Kyiv wants special terms that would allow it to develop relations with the European Union as well. The comments Monday highlight the difficult balancing act that Mr. Yanukovych, who came to office in 2010 promising to repair relations with Moscow without giving up ties to Europe, faces as he tries to navigate his country of 45 million between east and west. In recent weeks, Moscow has stepped up pressure on Ukraine to join its Customs Union, which already includes former Soviet republics Belarus and Kazakhstan. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on a visit to Kyiv on April 12 that membership would bring benefits of up to $9 billion a year for Ukraine. Other officials suggested Ukraine could save $8 billion a year on its gas bill to Russia if it joined the Customs Union. In the interview, Mr. Yanukovych dismissed such offers as "political statements," and said that "Ukraine hasn't received any concrete proposals." Read the story here
The Wall Street Journal: Ukraine’s President resists Russia on trade

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, left, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin shake hands during their meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, April 12, 2011.