You're reading: Ukrainska Pravda: For the attention of Austrian financial police. Vienna-based companies of Azarov’s wife

A lie of the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov about the same sex marriage made us start wondering what his family was up to since they were not afraid of sodomy and traveled to much hated Europe. 

Last year in December, Azarov, talking in front of forcefully organised Antimaidan crowd, decided to contest all benefits of the European integration. As the head of the executive power pointed out, one of the conditions to introduce a visa free regime was the legalization of the same sex marriage in Ukraine:

–        These so-called (opposition) leaders are telling fairy tales during their public appearances: once the agreement is signed, we will have a visa free travel to Europe. This is not true! We have to fulfill a whole host of conditions. Do you know what kind of conditions? We have to legalise the same sex marriage. Is our society ready for that? 

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