Sitting in his office in downtown Kiev, Yuri Andreyev has been glued to news of the widening crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant. "You worry that the same thing is going to happen there as with us," sighed the jowly 60-year-old, whose gray hair is receding atop a furrowed brow. Mr. Andreyev was an engineer working at the Chernobyl power plant on the night a reactor exploded on April 26, 1986, spewing a radioactive cloud across northern and western Europe in what remains the world's biggest nuclear disaster. "I just hope the nuclear plant workers there get lucky and manage to prevent the accident getting worse," said Mr. Andreyev, who lost a number of friends in the blast during a test that went awry. "These people are my colleagues, so of course my first thoughts are about them." The threat of meltdown at the Japanese plant comes as Ukraine is still dealing with the impact of the Chernobyl as it approaches the 25th anniversary. Read the story here.
Wall Street Journal: Chernobyl’s legacy in Ukraine

A 2005 study by United Nations agencies said a total of 4,000 people could eventually die of radiation exposure from Chernobyl.