You're reading: Yanukovych and former President Viktor Yushchenko keep in touch by telephone

Former President Viktor Viktor Yushchenko is in regular contact with President Viktor Yanukovych and all influential politicians in Ukraine, according to Iryna Vannikova, his press secretary.

"Viktor Yuschenko has regular intercourse with all influential politicians in Ukraine. This is a fact. In particular, he has regular phone conversations with Viktor Yanukovych. There is no secret in this," she said in an interview appearing on Jan. 14 in the Ukraina Moloda newspaper.

Vannikova said communication between presidents is a normal practice to maintain a dialogue between the government and the opposition.

She also said Yuschenko is also in touch with Georgia’s President Mikhail Saakashvili, former presidents of the United States and Lithuania Bill Clinton and Valdas Adamkus, maintains friendly relations with a lot of ruling and former heads of states.