You're reading: OSCE official ‘strongly condemns’ killing of Ukrainians, calls for talks with Russia

Editor's Note: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Ranko Krivokapic issued the following statement on June 15 on the situation in Ukraine from Copenhagen, Denmark:

“I strongly condemn the downing of a Ukrainian military plane by separatists in Luhansk. My deepest condolences go to the families of the victims and to the people of Ukraine, who yearn for an end to this conflict. This brazen act must convince all parties of the urgent need for real dialogue that translates into real results on the ground. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly reaffirms its support for the Swiss Chairmanship’s efforts to facilitate that dialogue and looks forward to hosting further discussions between members of the Russian and Ukrainian Delegations to the PA.”

“I also welcome proposals for the creation of a joint mission of Ukrainian and Russian human rights activists to help de-escalate the situation in eastern Ukraine. Civil society can play a key role here, alleviating suffering on the ground, helping to build bridges and even inspiring governments to act. I urge the leaders of Russia and Ukraine to support and facilitate this initiative.”

“The Parliamentary Assembly also takes this opportunity to reiterate calls for the immediate and unconditional release of the eight OSCE monitors who have been held out of contact since May. Their detention serves the interests of no one and their work to help de-escalate the crisis is in the interest of all.”