You're reading: Secretary general says OSCE drone planes can be used in eastern Ukraine with safety guarantees

Moscow - The use of OSCE drone planes in eastern Ukraine is possible if the sides agree on safety guarantees in Minsk on August 26, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zanier said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio. 

Zanier said a decision on this issue will depend on the outcome of the Minsk meeting, adding that a ceasefire agreement will create conditions for the use of drone planes.

Zanier said he is hoping that the militia’s statement on the intention to shot down drone planes were not serious.

Andriy Purhin, first deputy prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, earlier told Interfax the militants “may accidentally shoot down OSCE drone planes” during military action.

“In a situation of military action, it’s just silly to launch such planes because we may take them for Ukrainian planes and accidentally down them. They fly at a high altitude and our militia may just not see the identification signs on them, especially bearing in mind that the Ukrainian military regularly launch drone planes, including over Donetsk, and we shoot them down,” Purhin said.