You're reading: Bronislaw Komorowski winning Polish presidential election

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of Poland's right-wing opposition Law and Justice party (PiS), conceded defeat on Sunday in the presidential election run-off.

"I have to start by doing what good manners require, that is by congratulating the victor," he told cheering supporters.

TVP state television’s exit poll gave Bronislaw Komorowski of the ruling centrist Civic Platform (PO) 53 percent of the vote against 47 percent for Kaczynski.

TVN private television also showed Komorowski, Poland’s acting president, ahead with 51.09 percent against Kaczynski’s 48.9 percent.

Kaczynski is the twin brother of President Lech Kaczynski whose death in a plane crash in April precipitated the election.

The Associated Press also reported late July 4 that Komorowski was running first in exit polls.