You're reading: Skate away the winter blues at indoor rinks

Winter officially came to Kyiv with the first snow and, thus, it is time for winter fun. Ice skating and playing hockey with my friends was one of my brightest childhood memories.

But 10 years ago I had to grab my skates and go to the frozen lake or river, risking my life if I broke through the ice. Modern Kyivans have safer opportunities to enjoy themselves. Current technologies give us the opportunity to enjoy winter sports in summer as well, but some traditions are unbreakable. Every time the outdoor temperature falls below zero, I think of the 1994 Winter Olympics and fellow Ukrainian Oksanana Baiul’s triumphant gold-medal win.There are several indoor and outdoor skating rinks which offer skaters different opportunities, starting with skate rentals and finishing with a private trainer who can make you a king or a queen on ice. The traditional rinks are Atek and Kryzhynka, with lower prices and lower quality of both the equipment and rink. For those with a little more money to spend on quality, I suggest Bilshovyk and Karavan, which are always crowded. Terminal at Brovary is probably the best of all, but it is quite hard to get there if you don’t own a car. Prices also vary. Weekdays and mornings are usually less expensive and less crowded, so plan your time carefully and have fun!