Although you’re most likely to eat baked Easter cakes on Ukraine’s Easter, which comes on April 15 this year, the traditional Easter cake was made out of cottage cheese and required no baking.
The recipe is very easy, and equally delicious.
This one comes from a contributor to Edim Doma, a Russian website that specializes in cooking, and is well worth trying.
You will need:
3 packs of cottages cheese, 550 grams each
2 eggs
130 grams of sugar
200 grams of smetana, or sour cream
100 grams of butter
3 table spoonfuls of sweetened condensed milk
40 grams of raisins
40 grams of dried cranberries
peel of half a lemon, vanilla

Start by separating the eggs. Beat the yolks in a blender with sugar until it’s creamy and white.
Add the smetana, condensed milk, lemon peel and vanilla, and beat again. Mix in the raisins and cranberries.
Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks, and carefully fold them into the egg yolk mixture.
Line a sieve or Easter cake form with two layers of muslin cloth, making sure the ends hang off the form.
Spoon the mixture into the form, cover with the hanging ends of muslin.
Weigh it down with a load, and leave in a cold pantry or refrigerator for 24 hours.
If the cake remains too moist after that, leave it for longer to squeeze all the moisture out.
Then turn the cake out onto a plate, and decorate with nuts, dried fruit or candy. Enjoy!