Sophi Ellis-Bextor is a 31-year old English singer, composer and model. After starting off as lead singer of the indie rock band Theaudience, she went solo in the early 2000s. Her indie days are over, and she is now into electropop, house and disco. Performing perfect dance floor fillers, she’s not to be missed in Kyiv. As for her modeling career, together with Kate Moss she became the face of Rimmel cosmetics in 2008 and recently renewed her contract.
Saturday, Dec. 4, Crystal Hall, 1 Dniprovsky uzviz, 288-5069. Tickets: Hr 400

Anna Netrebko is a Russian soprano opera singer whose talent earned her an invitation from almost every top opera house in the world. Netrebko started as a cleaning lady in the famous Mariyinsky Theater in St. Petersburg but was soon gathering full house with her concerts. In 2007, Time magazine mentioned her among the 100 most influential people in the world.
Sunday, Dec. 5, 7 p.m., Palats Ukraina, 103 Velyka Vasylkivska. Tickets: Hr 180-6000. www.annanetrebko.com

In between fighting snow on the streets and chasing Christmas presents, find an evening for special holiday music. Christmas Melodies is a cocktail of best-known international music pieces from the world’s prominent composers: Bach, Hendel, Mozart and Tchaikovsky – among others. Ukrainian New Era orchestra is in charge of infusing the Christmas spirit.
Friday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m., Cultural center Master-Klass, 34 Mazepy, metro Arsenalna, 594-1063. Tickets: Hr 50

Toni Braxton’s life is anything but boring. The American soul and R&B star knows the celebrity lifestyle drill too well. First ravished by fans and wanted at every party, she succumbed to oblivion squeezed out by other stars. After a short period of silence, she regrouped and bounced back up.
This gorgeous singer won six Grammy awards, sold 40 million album copies and made the world hum with her “Un-break My Heart” hit. The problem with Braxton though is that she is not a very good accountant. The star has gone bankrupt twice, getting into millions of dollars worth of debt.
Sunday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m., Palats Ukraina, 103 Velyka Vasylkivska. Tickets: Hr 250-2950

30 Seconds to Mars is an American alternative rock band. In 1998, brothers Shannon and Jared Leto started their family band, with other members joining throughout the years. The band’s name comes from a thesis written by one Harvard professor, which the singers found online. It talked about the exponential growth of human technology and implied we were indeed 30 seconds away from planet Mars. The band felt it was a perfect way to describe their music.
Sunday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m., Mizhnarodny Vystavkovy Tsentr, 15 Brovarsky prospekt. Tickets: Hr 400-700