Anastasiya Shpagina and Valeriya Lukianova are probably two of the best-known young women in Odesa. Lukianova turned herself into a living Barbie doll, while Shpagina pretends to look like an anime fairy. Both are extremely popular online, with thousands of fans following their pages.
The two were friends, participating into joint photo shoots, and
could be seen walking the streets of Odesa, both extremely skinny and
long-haired, wearing freaky makeup and contact lenses.
But the time came for Barbie and fairy to decide who is the
coolest freak in town.
It is hard to say how the quarrel started, since it all took place
on Lukianova and Shpagina’s Vkontakte pages, with some entries apparently deleted later. On Nov. 26 Lukianova wrote on her page that she parted with
someone who was dear to her, and that the reason for that was the person’s ego.
She also implied that an ungrateful attitude was part of the problem.
Commentators quickly guessed the “person” mentioned was Shpagina, whose rising
popularity started overshadowing her “elder freak sister” Lukianova.
Shpagina didn’t stay silent. She revealed the origin of the
quarrel, which was, according to her, some offers for interviews she received.
According to her, Lukianova was unhappy with the fact that she wasn’t, like
Shpagina, invited for an interview with Japanese journalists.

Shpagina revealed parts of the two dolls’ conversations, where
Lukianova wrote, discussing the Japanese journalists offer:
“Did they ask about me? […] I’m the world’s most popular Barbie,
it’s strange they didn’t ask about me.”
The last drop came when Lukianova found out that Shpagina didn’t
pass her contacts on to journalists. When asked about the Barbie Lukianova,
Shpagina answered that they don’t know each other.
“I thought I didn’t have a right to [share your contacts]…” she
wrote to Lukianova, when the quarrel carried on in the public domain of
“I’ve always felt you were arrogant with me,” she added.
“Go on with drawing those big eyes and telling boring stories, we’ll see where that is coming,” answered Lukianova.

The story would’ve ended like that, but on Nov. 27 Shpagina added
some pepper by posting a short video where she shows her severely bruised hands.
“I decided to unwind from all the dirt from yesterday. But streets
are dangerous now,” she wrote, implying that she was attacked.
She didn’t claim the attack was related to her quarrel, but
mentioned that Lukianova promised to “destroy” her. Lukianova didn’t respond.
In hundreds of comments to Shpagina’s video, people react
“Oh my gosh, that’s just so
nasty, and all because she was jealous of you, hope
you get better soon,” writes an YouTube user Chloe Louise.
“I highly doubt those are real. Attention
seeking at its finest,” wrote Sacredgoddess user.
“I might be crazy, but I want bruises like these,” wrote MashkaOo.