Odesa once was the city of resorts, seaport and delicious cuisine. But now a new trend is driving all that out. Odesa is fast becoming “the city of living dolls.”
The southern city’s freak scene is getting crowded, with famous “living Barbies” Valeria Lukianova and Olga Oleinik, anime diva Anastasia Shpagina and now another real life doll – Alina Kovalevska.

Kovalevska exhibits the Barbie style that Lukianova has been sporting for the past few years. She is tall, blond and unbeliveably skinny. Kovalevska uses black eyeliner and blue lenses to enlarge her eyes.
The 20-year-old Kovalevska studies sociology at the Odesa National University and is working on a modeling career. She posts video blogs, discusses vegeterianism and gives tips on how to lose weight. She has 16,710 subscribers on social network Vkontakte, and she receives hundreds of likes and comments under her photos. Many commentators compare Kovalevska to the original “Odesa Barbie,” Lukianova. In fact, they do share a resemblance.

But Lukianova’s throne is safe so far – she has over 350,000 subscribers. On Nov. 18 Lukianova wrote a post about how copying other people is harmfull for one’s personality.
At her page, Kovalevska defended herself and said she was shocked by what people and media were writing about her.
“I am not copying anyone,” she wrote in “shouting” capital letters. “I was born this way, and I didn’t achieve that appearance by numerous surgeries. Everything is natural in me.”
Kovalevska was probably referring to Lukianova’s breasts, nose and waist surgeries (although she denies the last one). Both women are quite similar in shapes.

Kovalevska especially emphasizes the fact that she doesn’t use much make up. “I only apply eyeliner, that’s it,” she wrote.
Kovalevska clearly forgot to mention that she underlines her nose to make it look thinner and applies highlighter on her eyes.