You're reading: Best classical picks

Friday, June 17: Academic symphonic orchestra will play pieces by Mozart and Shostakovich at 7 p.m., National philharmonic, 2 Volodymyrsky uzviz, 278-1697, Tickets: Hr 30-80.

Tuesday, June 21: National symphonic orchestra together with Boys Choir will perform Mozart’s and Mahler’s music at 7 p.m., National philharmonic, 2 Volodymyrsky uzviz, 278-1697, Tickets: Hr 20-100.

Wednesday, June 22: A concert of jazz music with the Bohdan Kravchuk quartet at 8 p.m., Cultural center Master-Klass, 34 Mazepy St., metro Arsenalna,, 594-1063. Tickets: Hr 40.

Wednesday, June 22: Chamber ensemble “Kyiv Soloists” will play pieces by Stravinsky and Karabyts at 7 p.m. National philharmonic, 2 Volodymyrsky uzviz, 278-1697, Tickets: Hr 30-80.