You're reading: Ministry of Foreign Affairs tells the world interesting facts about Ukraine in social media

Ahead of Ukraine 24th Independence Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a patriotic initiative called “Tell the world about Ukraine.”

Every day from Aug. 4 until Aug. 24, the ministry will post
20 facts about Ukraine and its history.

Every Ukrainian can join the “Tell the world about Ukraine”
campaign and spread the information by sharing it on Twitter, Facebook and
other social media under the hash tags #TellWorldAboutUA

“It was a collective idea of
Ukrainian diplomats from the mission of Ukraine to the European Union. They are
trying to make social media the basic informational channel to connect Ukraine
with the world, so that everyone could find out about our country,” said Iryna
Shum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “We’ve asked all our embassies from
all over the world to translate the facts we publish under the hash tag to the
language of the country they work in. And
#TellWorldAboutUA becomes
very popular.”

The first three facts:

* “In 1994 Ukraine renounced
third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Ukraine is one of the United
Nations founding members.”

* “Four of the 10 European
transport corridors run through its territory.”

* Geographical midpoint of
Europe is situated in Ukraine near a small town of Rakhiv.”

The organizers hope the
hashtage becomes popular.

In July, the hash tag
#NoSpecialStatusforDonbas became tops in Ukrainian Twitter after a special
election was discussed for the Russian-occupied territories of Luhansk and
Donetsk oblasts.

The hash tag #What’s up with khokhly? (#Че там у хохлов?)
also became popular among Ukrainian users of Twitter to make fun of Russians
who use “khokhly,” a derogatory term for Ukrainians.

#EuroMaidan was a popular hashtage in 2014 during the
revolution that forced President Viktor Yanukovych from power.

Read the Kyiv Post version of 20 little-known facts about Ukraine here.

Kyiv Post
writer Veronika Melkozerova can be reached at [email protected]